This digital library houses the book on Oncology and Orthopedic Oncosurgery.

It includes academic lectures, presentations from national and international congresses, published papers, case discussions, performed surgical procedures, and proprietary techniques developed.

The digital format was chosen because the web allows the inclusion of texts with numerous visual resources, such as images and videos, which would not be possible in a printed book.

The content is intended for students, healthcare professionals, and the general public interested in the field.


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Bone Metastasis

Bone Metastasis The lung is the largest filter in our body, through which all circulation passes and therefore any metastatic embolus that reaches the venous circulation has a high probability of suffering stasis in the lung and developing metastatic lesions. This is why the lung is the biggest site for metastases in our body. The liver represents a filter for the digestive system, which through the portal circulation can receive metastatic emboli from that system.

Bone Metastasis

    Skeletal tissue represents the third major filter, which, due to its slow sinusoidal circulation, favors the shelter of metastatic emboli that may reach the bone.

         Currently, with the increase in the survival of patients with different neoplasms, resulting from increasingly earlier diagnoses, advances in chemotherapy with a variety of increasingly effective drugs and the control of side effects, the number of patients who have their primitive disease controlled and that metastasize to the skeleton is increasing.

         The tumors that most frequently produce bone metastases are breast carcinoma in women, prostate carcinoma in men, and lung carcinoma. kidney and thyroid in both.

         The bone injuries that most frequently give clinical manifestations, requiring orthopedic surgery, occur in the femur, humerus, vertebrae, pelvis, scapula and tibia, in that order.

         The natural history of this condition is painful and the diagnosis can generally occur due to a pathological bone fracture that causes functional impotence, limitations in activities of daily living, dependence on others, bedsores and multiple organ failure due to the patient being bedridden.

         The role of the oncology orthopedist aims to operate on the metastatic lesion as early as possible in order to alleviate pain, restore function and improve the patient’s quality of life.

         For this purpose, resection and reconstruction surgeries are performed using osteosyntheses with cement or endoprostheses.

         Radiotherapy can eventually be used as a palliative measure, aiming to relieve pain for patients who are not clinically fit for surgery. 

         In relation to multiple myeloma, which is the most common primitive tumor of the bone, a tumor of the SRE, we must add that it is treated with chemotherapy and is also highly sensitive to radiotherapy. However, in cases that develop significant bone injuries or risk of fracture, orthopedic surgical management is similar to the treatment of bone metastases.

Click here to download PDF article on male breast tumor metastasis.

Click here to see hypernephroma metastasis treatment.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Lesões Ósseas Pseudotumorais

Pseudotumor Bone Lesions


Pseudotumor Bone Lesions

The group of diseases known as pseudotumor bone lesions corresponds to the set of bone changes that mimic, from a radiographic point of view, tumor lesions.

Pseudotumor Bone Lesions

The injuries that are part of this group are:

  1. Simple bone cyst
  2. Aneurysmal bone cyst
  3. Juxtacortical bone cyst (Intraosseous ganglion)
  4. Metaphyseal fibrous defect  ( non-ossifying fibroma )
  5. Eosinophilic granuloma
  6. Fibrous dysplasia  /  osteofibrodysplasia
  7. Myositis ossificans
  8. Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism
  9. Intraosseous epidermoid cyst
  10. Giant cell reparative granuloma
Lesões Ósseas Pseudotumorais
What is this child's diagnosis?
  • Simple Bone Cyst

The  Simple Bone Cyst  is a cavity, initially unicameral, filled with clear liquid surrounded by a membrane, with vascularized connective tissue showing osteoclastic giant cells, and there may be some areas of hemorrhage or fissures with content rich in cholesterol.

Diagrama do C.O.S.
COS Diagram
  • It occurs between 5 and 15 years of age, with a slight predominance in males. It most frequently affects the proximal metaphyseal region of the humerus and femur.

    Although its etiology is still unknown, we have seen contrast inside vessels when we infiltrate the cavity, which makes us assume that it is a vascular phenomenon.

    The fracture is often the first manifestation of the cyst, which has often evolved asymptomatically.

    It appears as a radio-transparent lesion in the metaphyseal region of long bones, centrally located, not exceeding the width of the epiphyseal line. With growth, the simple bone cyst moves away from the growth plate, occupying a meta-diaphyseal position, and can erode and fracture the cortex.

                Its treatment is generally non-operative, classically performed with a series of three corticosteroid injections, at intervals of four weeks. In load-bearing bones, particularly in the femoral neck region, we must consider the possibility of surgical treatment, with curettage and bone grafting.


      Unicameral cavity filled with clear or bloody fluid and limited by a membrane of variable thickness, with vascularized connective tissue showing osteoclastic giant cells and some areas with recent or old hemorrhage or fissures with cholesterol-rich content (OMS)


    In the treatment of musculoskeletal tumors, we observed a predominance of cases in the age group between 5 and 15 years, with a slight predominance of cases in males, and the majority involving the proximal metaphyseal region of the humerus and femur. The vast majority are referred due to an episode of fracture caused by trauma at the site of the injury or as an x-ray finding during an eventual x-ray taken due to some trauma suffered by the patient.


    Although its recognition from a radiographic point of view is simple, its etiology is still unknown.

    Clinical Assessment:

    Most patients present asymptomatically, and fractures are often the reason for their first consultation with an orthopedist. Some patients report sporadic episodes of pain or functional limitation before the presence of a bone cyst is diagnosed.

    Radiographic Characteristics:

    The Simple Bone Cyst presents as a radiolucent lesion in the metaphyseal region of long bones, centrally located, mainly in the proximal region of the humerus and femur and close to the epiphyseal line. They are well-defined lesions, with sclerotic edges, rarely crossing the limits of the cortex or the limits of the bone, expanding, thinning the cortex, but almost never breaking it. In some cases, the “fallen fragment” sign can be observed, which represents fragments of the cortical wall loose within the cyst.


    COS treatment depends on its location and size, in the vast majority of cases it can be conservative and non-operative. In general, treatment for the upper limb is less surgical and more conservative, whereas treatment for the lower limb tends to be more surgical, in an attempt to avoid a fracture. The classic treatment consists of infiltrations with corticosteroids (depomedrol), observing whether or not bone content is formed inside. If there is an imminent fracture in a load-bearing bone, we should seriously consider the possibility of intra-lesional treatment filling the cavity with either an autologous or homologous graft.

    1-  Click to see more :ósseo_simples

    2-  Reconstruction of the femoral neck with fracture due to bone cyst

    • Aneurysmal Bone Cyst


    Expansive, blood-filled osteolytic lesion between variable-sized spaces separated by connective tissue septa containing trabeculae of bone or osteoid tissue and osteoclastic giant cells.


    Aneurysmal Bone Cysts are more frequent in the first three decades of life, with their peak incidence occurring around 10 to 15 years of age, with a slight predominance in females than in males.


    The origin and etiology are still unknown

    Clinical Assessment:

    Patients normally present with mild pain at the site of the injury and inflammatory signs such as increased volume and heat at the site are often observed. When there is a compromise in the spine, there may be neurological symptoms of spinal cord or nerve root compression. The evolution is very variable with a slow and progressive increase in volume or in some cases rapidly expansive. It frequently affects the lower limbs and vertebrae, including the sacrum and the pelvis, mainly in the iliopubic branch.

    Radiographic Characteristics:

    It presents an insufflative and radiotransparent lesion mainly in the metaphyseal or diaphyseal region of long bones, with the presence of septa scattered throughout its content, with thinning and expansion of the cortex, which may be eccentric or central.

Diagrama do cisto ósseo aneurismático
Aneurysmal bone cyst diagram


The treatment of choice has been intralesional curettage and filling with autologous graft. Oftentimes, it may or may not be possible to associate intra-lesional adjuvant treatment with the application of phenol, or electro cauterization or the use of cryotherapy. Rarely and in some specific cases, it is possible to resect the compromised bone without compromising function, as in cases of involvement of the rib, fibula and metacarpal and metatarsal bones. Recurrence is very rare.

Cisto aneurismático da fíbula; lesão sendo ressecada e leito operatório após a retirada da lesão.
Aneurysmal cyst of the fibula; lesion being resected and operating bed after removal of the lesion.
Peça ressecada; radiografia pós operatória e paciente com carga monopodal, boa função sem instabilidade.
Dry piece; Post-operative x-ray and patient with single-leg weight bearing, good function without instability.

1-  Click here to see more :ático

  • Eosinophilic granuloma

(Histiocytosis X, Langerhans Cell Granuloma, Reticuloendotheliosis)

Eosinophilic Granuloma is   a pseudo-tumor lesion, also of unknown etiology, characterized by intense proliferation of reticulohistiocytic elements with a variable number of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and multinucleated giant cells. It presents frequent areas of necrosis, as well as the presence of numerous fatty cells.

Among reticuloendotheliosis, eosinophilic granuloma presents as a single lesion, preferentially affecting the diaphyseal and metaphyseal regions of long bones. These single lesions may resolve spontaneously over time, ranging from months to years. They are rarely disabling or cause pathological fractures.

Reticuloendotheliosis in the multiple form characterizes Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, which presents multiple lesions in the skullcap and frequently affects other tissues, with Diabetes insipidus (due to involvement of the parapituitary gland), exophthalmos and lesions in the liver and spleen occurring.

In the most severe form, Letterer-Siwe, the frequent clinical findings are fever, otitis media, frequent history of bacterial infections and, in some cases, we observe anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, hemorrhage with no apparent cause, lymphadenopathy and disseminated bone lesions. Evolution is often fatal due to severe systemic involvement.

The radiographic appearance of eosinophilic granuloma itself is a radiolucent lesion, with a rounded or ovoid shape, with delimited and well-defined edges, in the diaphyseal region of long bones and, sometimes, in the metaphyseal region, causing cortical erosion and a periosteal reaction. onion skin”, mimicking the periosteal reaction of Ewing Sarcoma, but in eosinophilic granuloma it is of the thick lamellar type.

When it affects the spine, it causes collapse of the  “Calvé vertebrae” vertebra , but rarely leads to neurological impairment.

Vértebra plana de Calvé – Granuloma eosinófilo do úmero – Aspecto clínico do braço
Flat vertebra of Calvé – Eosinophilic granuloma of the humerus – Clinical appearance of the arm
Aspecto intra-operatório, com erosões na cortical – material de curetagem
Intra-operative appearance, with cortical erosions – curettage material

In single lesions, treatment is curettage and bone grafting when necessary. 

Definition:  Non-neoplastic lesion of unknown etiology, characterized by an intense proliferation of reticulohistiocytic elements with a variable number of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and multinucleated giant cells. Frequent areas of necrosis, as well as the presence of fat cells, especially in old and multiple lesions.

Incidence:  Reticuloendotheliosis presents several forms of involvement, but is mainly divided into three basic forms: Eosinophilic Granuloma (75%), Hand-Schuller-Christian (15%) and Letterer-Siwe (10%).

Eosinophilic granuloma: 5 to 20 years

Hand-Schuller-Christian: 3 to 5 years

Letterer-Siwe: 1 to 3 years

Etiology:  Reticuloendotheliosis does not have a known etiology, however some authors relate it to a probable viral or immunological cause, due to the presence of an inflammatory phenomenon with the formation of a hyperplastic granulomatous process, often similar to neoplastic processes.

Clinical Manifestations:  The natural history of the evolution of this disease will depend on one of the three forms in which it presents itself.

– Eosinophilic granuloma: most of the time it presents as a single lesion, preferentially affecting the diaphyseal and metaphyseal region of the long bones, and more rarely we also see cases with multiple involvement, which can be simultaneous or consecutive, starting in adolescence and dragging itself into young adulthood. Single injuries often end up resolving spontaneously over time, ranging from months to years, and are rarely disabling or lead to a pathological fracture.

– Hand-Schuller-Christian: normally presents with multiple lesions, which are more difficult to treat and evolve in a more disabling way than Eosinophilic Granuloma. They frequently present secondary involvement of other tissues, frequently progressing to Diabetes insipidus (involvement of the parapituitary gland), exophthalmos due to orbital involvement and involvement of the liver and spleen.

– Letterer-Siwe: the most frequent clinical findings are fever, otitis media and a frequent history of bacterial infections, and in some cases there is anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, bleeding with no apparent cause, lymphadenopathy and disseminated bone lesions. Evolution is often fatal due to systemic involvement.

Radiographic Aspects:  The lesions have a radio-transparent appearance, with a rounded and ovoid shape, with well-defined and well-defined edges, and trabeculae within them can often be visible. They frequently affect the diaphyseal region of long bones and less commonly in the metaphyseal region, causing cortical erosion and slight cortical expansion. It is possible to visualize a small periosteal lift with an “onion skin” reaction similar to that of Ewing Sarcoma and osteomyelitis.

When the involvement is in the spine, it rarely leads to neurological impairment, although there is a collapse of the vertebra, presenting a flattening and known as “Calvé’s flat vertebra”.

In more serious cases, such as Hand-Schüller-Christian Syndrome and Letterer-Siwe Syndrome, disseminated radio-transparent lesions are observed in the cranial vault.

Treatment and Prognosis : The treatment and prognosis of the disease depend directly on the degree of involvement and clinical manifestations. In single lesions, the treatment of choice is curettage and in large defects, filling with cancellous bone. In some cases where there is no impairment of function or aesthetic impairment, resection of the compromised bone can be performed, such as the ribs, clavicle, and upper part of the fibula. In cases of multiple and systemic involvement, part of the treatment is carried out with the use of chemotherapy drugs and corticosteroid therapy. 

1-  Click to see more:ófilo-por

2-  Case of polyostotic eosinophilic granuloma :ófilo_do-Rádio


  • Cortical fibrous defect / Non-ossifying fibroma

                      The cortical fibrous defect is a benign non-neoplastic bone lesion, of unknown cause, which is characterized by fibrous proliferation in a small area of ​​cortical bone. Non-ossifying fibroma is the same process, with a larger size.

                        The cortical fibrous defect generally does not present any clinical symptoms or signs. In the vast majority of cases it is diagnosed in an x-ray examination carried out for some reason. When it takes on the characteristics of a non-ossifying fibroma, it may manifest as mild pain, a protrusion noticeable by the patient or, less frequently, a fracture. 

Fibroma não ossificante, acompanhado clinicamente, sem intervenção.
Non-ossifying fibroma, clinically monitored, without intervention.

 They are usually found in the metaphysis of long bones, mainly in the distal femur and proximal tibia.

                      On radiographs, the cortical fibrous defect appears as a small radio-transparent lesion, measuring approximately 1 to 2 cm, eccentric, as it is located in the cortex of the metaphysis of long bones. At first they are rounded and over time they become oval, with the largest diameter along the longitudinal axis in relation to the involved bone. The process is superficial and restricted to the cortex, easily determined by computed tomography.


  • Fibrous Dysplasia and Osteofibrodysplasia

                  Fibrous dysplasia is a pseudotumor lesion, characterized by failure in the development of one or more bones, which remain with partial replacement of the bone by fibrous tissue amid irregularly arranged osteoid beams. Radiographically, the lesion is radio transparent, with the appearance of “ground” glass.

                 It can manifest itself in two clinical forms: solitary (monostotic) and multiple (polyostotic), and skin pigmentation may occur.

Displasia fibrosa no colo femoral – Mancha café com leite e puberdade precoce (Albright)
Fibrous dysplasia in the femoral neck – Café au lait spot and precocious puberty (Albright)
Evolução com deformidade e arqueamento do fêmur – Paciente adolescente com encurtamento pela deformidade angular.
Evolution with deformity and bowing of the femur – Adolescent patient with shortening due to angular deformity.

Albright described the syndrome with “fibrous osteitis” in multiple bones, accompanied by skin patches and precocious puberty in females. Endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome, in addition to hypertension and mental retardation, may be associated. The association of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and soft tissue myxomas is known as Mazabraud syndrome.

                  Monostotic fibrous dysplasia most of the time presents no symptoms. It is a congenital bone modeling defect, most frequently manifesting itself in the first and second decade of life. Deformity, fracture or casual finding on x-rays are the main occurrences that lead the patient to an appointment. 

                 Treatment, when necessary, must be surgical, as there is no clinical treatment for any of the forms of fibrous dysplasia. The lesion or lesions generally stop progressing with growth and usually cease with puberty. Surgical intervention will be indicated for orthopedic corrections when there are deformities or risks of imminent fracture. 

                    The malignancy of fibrous dysplasia is rare, and cases of transformation to osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma may occur.

                    Single lesions of fibrous dysplasia may resemble desmoplastic fibroma, central chondrosarcoma, or adamantinoma of long bones. When the patient presents with cysts, the differential diagnosis with adamantinoma of long bones may be difficult on radiographic examination.

                    Histologically, the main differential diagnoses are desmoplastic fibroma, adamantinoma of long bones and osteofibrodysplasia.

Lesão cortical pequena; aumento da lesão, evolução agressiva e deformidade; aspecto clínico da deformidade.
Small cortical lesion; increase in injury, aggressive evolution and deformity; clinical aspect of the deformity.
Acesso cirúrgico amplo, com margem; ressecção da lesão; tibialização da fíbula para a reconstrução.
Wide surgical access, with margin; resection of the lesion; tibialization of the fibula for reconstruction.
Pós operatório imediato; consolidação e espessamento da fíbula rx frente; Rx perfil; fíbula completamente tibializada.
Immediate post-operative period; consolidation and thickening of the fibula front rx; Rx profile; completely tibialized fibula.
When osteofibrodysplasia manifests itself in the first years of life, it is necessary to intervene early to stop the progression of the lesion and prevent deformities.
Osteofibrodisplasia com um ano – Planejamento cirúrgico com 3 anos
Osteofibrodysplasia at one year – Surgical planning at 3 years
Cirurgia= tibialização da fíbula – Integração do enxerto e função.
Surgery = tibialization of the fibula – Integration of the graft and function.

See the complete technique.

                    In osteofibrodysplasia, the histological appearance is very similar to that of fibrous dysplasia. Only intracortical location in the tibia or fibula will enable the differential diagnosis.


  • Brown Tumor of Hyperparathyroidism


          It is a metabolic disease that, when not diagnosed early, can lead to a process that simulates a tumoral appearance, with numerous lesions due to foci of bone resorption due to primary hyperparathyroidism. It is a non-neoplastic lesion that presents numerous multinucleated giant cells.

          It is caused by a parathyroid adenoma and has a slow and insidious onset, predominating in female adults, presenting diverse clinical manifestations such as nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite, recurrent renal calculosis and fractures with no apparent cause or due to mild trauma and , eventually, psychic changes.

           Hypercalcemia accompanied by hypercalciuria, hypophosphatemia, hyperphosphaturia and increased parathyroid hormone in the blood close the laboratory diagnosis. When left untreated, increasingly intense bone changes can occur, up to generalized fibrocystic osteitis or Von Recklinghausen’s disease of the bones.

           The initial lesions of hyperparathyroidism occur as foci of subperiosteal bone resorption in the phalanges of the hands and resorption of the “lamina dura” of tooth implantation in the alveoli.

Múltiplas lesões no esqueleto, paciente há 6 anos sem diagnóstico (“metástase de câncer à esclarecer)
Multiple skeletal lesions, patient undiagnosed for 6 years (“cancer metastasis to be clarified)
Reabsorção sub-periosteal das falanges; fratura do fêmur, adenoma da paratireoide (seta preta) .
Sub-periosteal reabsorption of the phalanges; femur fracture, parathyroid adenoma (black arrow).
Osteossíntese e consolidação da fratura, carga total após 3 meses; paciente diagnosticada corretamente e restabelecida.
Osteosynthesis and fracture consolidation, full weight-bearing after 3 months; patient correctly diagnosed and restored.
 Treatment consists of excision of the parathyroid adenoma, taking care to replace calcium, as the skeleton is avid and cramps may occur due to hypocalcemia. After parathyroid surgery, fractures heal quickly and bone injuries regress quickly.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Introdução Ao Estudo Dos Tumores Ósseos

Introduction To The Study


Introduction to the Study of Bone Tumors. The philosophy of this chapter is to present our experience and a form of objective reasoning. To treat it, you must first make the correct diagnosis.

We begin the approach to bone tumors seeking to convey “how I think” about musculoskeletal injuries.

Introduction to the Study of Bone Tumors

Introdução Ao Estudo Dos Tumores Ósseos
. Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Neoplasms

Firstly, we need to frame the condition we are evaluating within one of the five major chapters of Pathology:




             4- INFLAMMATORY

             5-  NEOPLASTICS

          If the case was classified within the neoplasms chapter, our objective is to establish the diagnosis so that we can institute treatment. It is essential to establish an accurate diagnosis.

          To be diagnosed, it is necessary to know and learn the universe of tumors already described.

          Are we, as medical students, not already aware of all musculoskeletal neoplasms?

          We usually convey, in our classes, that our brain can store information randomly. However, if when we assimilate knowledge we try to do it in an orderly way, it will be “stored” in “folders”, these in “drawers” ​​and we will have a “ file ” . This way we can retrieve the information more easily.

          We will therefore help you build this  file,  organizing the  “HD” .

          Firstly, we need to remember that the neoplasm originates from a cell that already exists in our body. This cell, when reproducing, undergoes changes in its genetic code, due to different factors (radiation, viruses, mutations, translocations, etc.) and this then becomes the “ mother cell ” of the neoplasm.

          As we already learned histology at the Faculty, we are knowledgeable about all possible neoplasms. We just need to add some concepts to safely name and classify all the tumors already described.

The term carcinoma          was reserved  for malignant neoplasms whose primitive cells originate from the ectodermal layer and  sarcoma  for those from the mesoderm. 

          If we take our thigh as an example and do an exercise, remembering all the cells that make it up, starting with the skin and going deeper into the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, etc., up to the bone marrow of the femur, we will have reviewed all the cells of the locomotor system. and therefore we will be able to name all musculoskeletal neoplasms.

          Let’s do this exercise. Starting with the skin, we remember  squamous cell carcinoma ,  basal cell carcinoma  and  melanoma . These neoplasms are most frequently treated by dermatologists and plastic surgeons and only rarely require the help of an orthopedist.

          Below the skin, all structures are derived from the mesoderm and therefore we will add the suffix  oma for benign  lesions   and  sarcoma  for  malignant ones .

          Therefore, below the skin we have the subcutaneous cellular tissue (fat) whose most representative cell is the lipocyte. If the lesion is made up of cells similar to the typical lipocyte, we will have a  lipoma , consisting of disordered cells, with atypical mitoses, a  liposarcoma . In this same subcutaneous tissue we have fibroblasts, fibrohistiocytes and consequently  fibroma ,  fibrosarcoma ,  fibrohistiocytoma  of low and high degree of malignancy.

          Another structure that makes up our thigh are the striated muscles, (voluntary muscles), thus giving rise to  rhabdomyosarcoma . Smooth muscles, found in the locomotor system, are located around the vessels and, although they are rare, we also find  leiomyosarcoma .

          Nervous tissue is represented here by the axons of peripheral nerves. These axons have a sheath, whose cells were described by Schwann, from which  Schwannoma can originate .

           In soft tissues, remembering, as derived from lymphatic tissue,  lymphangioma  and  lymphangiosarcoma ; vascular tissue,  hemangioma  and  angiosarcoma .

          The bone is covered by the periosteum, whose function is to form bone tissue, in addition to protecting, innervating and nourishing. Trauma can lead to the formation of a sub-periosteal hematoma which, if mature, homogeneous ossification occurs, can be translated as a  periosteoma  (“osteoma”). Low-grade surface osteosarcoma  known as  paraosteal osteosarcoma  (grade I) as well as high-grade osteosarcoma can be derived from this same bone surface  .

          In our exercise we now reach the medullary region of the bone. This region is made up of fat, which can then lead to  intraosseous liposarcoma  and red bone marrow, from which we can have all neoplasms of the ERS ( Reticulum Endothelial System ) such as  plasma cell myeloma ,  lymphocytic lymphoma ,  Ewing’s sarcoma .

          If we remember, deep in our memory, the histology of endochondral ossification, we will find several precursor cells. One of them is large  (giant)  made up of cells with several nuclei, responsible for bone resorption, the osteoclast and consequently we have  osteoclastoma , better known as  giant cell tumor  ( GCT ). From the chondroblast the  chondroblastoma ; osteoblast  , osteoblastoma ; from the chondrocyte the  chondroma , the  chondrosarcoma ; and so on, we will be able to deduce all the neoplasms described. It will be enough to name them based on the knowledge of the normal cell, adding  oma  to the benign lesion and  sarcoma  to the malignant one.

          We consider this form of introduction to be important, as this way we will be better helped to remember what we already know and arrive at the diagnosis.

          The World Health Organization groups these injuries according to the tissue they try to reproduce, classifying them into:

I –  Tumors that form bone tissue

       Benign:  Osteoma – Osteoid Osteoma – Osteoblastoma

       Intermediate :  Aggressive Osteoblastoma

       Malignant :  Central Osteosarcoma – Parosteal – Periosteal – High Grade

II –  Cartilage-forming tumors

       Benign :  Chondroma (enchondroma) – Osteochondroma – Chondroblastoma – Chondromyxoid Fibroma

       Malignant :  Primary – Secondary – Juxtacortical – Mesenchymal – Dedifferentiated – Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma

III –  Giant Cell Tumors   (GCT) (Osteoclastoma)

IV –  Bone Marrow Tumors

         Malignant :  Ewing Sarcoma – Lymphocytic Lymphoma – Plasmocyte Myeloma – PNET

V –  Vascular Tumors

        Benign :  Hemangioma – Lymphangioma – Glomus tumor

        Intermediate :  Hemangioendothelioma – Hemangiopericytoma

       Malignant :  Angiosarcoma

VI –  Connective Tissue Tumors

         Benign :  Fibroma – Lipoma – Fibrohistiocytoma

         Malignant :  Fibrosarcoma – Liposarcoma – Malignant fibrohistiocytoma – Leiomyosarcoma – Undifferentiated sarcoma

VII –  Other tumors

           Benign :  Schwannoma – Neurofibroma

           Malignant :  Chordoma – Adamantinoma of the long bones

VIII –  Metastatic Tumors in the Bone

            Carcinomas: breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, kidney, neuroblastoma, melanoma, etc.

IX –  Pseudotumor Lesions

         Simple bone cyst (COS)

         Aneurysmal bone cyst (AOC)

         Juxta-articular bone cyst (intraosseous ganglion)

         Metaphyseal fibrous defect (Non-ossifying fibroma)

         Fibrous dysplasia

         Eosinophilic granuloma

        “Myositis ossificans”

        Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism

        Intraosseous epidermoid cyst

        Giant cell reparative granuloma

         All of these lesions mentioned have  clinical particularities ,  imaging characteristics , and  histological aspects  that need to be analyzed together to correlate each one of them.

         This is fundamental, as we can have radiologically and/or histologically similar lesions but with different diagnoses.

         Therefore, imaging studies and histology must always be correlated with the clinical picture, for the correct diagnosis.

EXEMPLO 1: Clínica = adolescente, dor, calor, tumor , circulação colateral ("abscesso"), na região metafisária dos ossos longos. Imagem= lesão de limites imprecisos, agressiva, heterogênea, produtora de tecido ósseo na metáfise. Patologia: células malignas semelhantes à osteoblastos, condroblastos, fibroblastos ou teleangiectásico = OSTEOSSARCOMA.
EXAMPLE 1: Clinic = adolescent, pain, heat, tumor, collateral circulation ("abscess"), in the metaphyseal region of long bones. Image= lesion with imprecise limits, aggressive, heterogeneous, producing bone tissue in the metaphysis. Pathology: malignant cells similar to osteoblasts, chondroblasts, fibroblasts or teleangiectatic = OSTEOSARCOMA.
EXEMPLO 1: Lesão de limites imprecisos, agressiva, heterogênea, produtora de tecido ósseo, na região metafisária dos ossos longos em adolescente é a identidade do OSTEOSSARCOMA.
EXAMPLE 1: A lesion with imprecise limits, aggressive, heterogeneous, producing bone tissue, in the metaphyseal region of long bones in adolescents is the identity of OSTEOSSARCOMA.

In this example, if the biopsy diagnosis is chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, or aneurysmal bone cyst, the physician managing the case should review with the pathology/multidisciplinary team.

The biopsy may not show newly formed bone tissue and, therefore, will not diagnose chondroblastic osteosarcoma or fibroblastic osteosarcoma, nor teleangiectatic osteosarcoma.

When the pathologist does not have data on the patient’s history, physical examination and images, he is restricted to the material he received, which is a sample of the tumor. If you have access to this data, you will be able to make the correct diagnosis, without the need to repeat the biopsy.

Repeating the biopsy delays treatment, increases local aggression and will not guarantee obtaining a sample with newly formed bone tissue.

The pathologist will not be wrong if he makes the report only with the diagnosis of what is on the slide, when he is not aware of the patient’s data and exams.

But the doctor, who manages the case, will make a big mistake if he does not clarify the case, as he is the one who has all the patient’s data, clinical picture, history, physical examination, laboratory and imaging tests.

Para o diagnóstico dos tumores ósseos é preciso fazer a correlação entre a clinica, a radiologia e a anatomia patológica.
To diagnose bone tumors, it is necessary to make a correlation between the clinic, radiology and pathological anatomy.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Granuloma Eosinófilo: Histórico

Eosinophilic Granuloma


Eosinophilic granuloma

Eosinophilic Granuloma: History: In 1938, Schairer diagnosed a lesion in the skull of a child as eosionphilic myeloma or eosinophilic osteomyelitis 1 . This condition was later described as a new clinical entity by Otani and Ehrlich in 1940 under the name Solitary Granuloma of Bone 2 .

Farber and Green, in 1942, demonstrated that the lesion could occur in a localized or multiple manner in the skeleton and possibly be related to Hand-Schuller-Christian disease and Letter-Siwe disease 3 .

In 1944, Jaffe and Lichtenstein introduced the term eosinophilic granuloma of bone 4 . The relationship between this lesion and the systemic forms of the disease was confirmed by Lichtenstein in his 1953 publication, encompassing them under the name Histiocytosis X 5 .

Currently, this entity is called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, which has four distinct clinical forms: Eosinophilic Granuloma, a form restricted to the skeleton, which can be localized or multiple; Hand-Schuller-Christian, chronic and disseminated form; Letter-Siwe, acute or subacute disseminated form and Hashimoto-Pritzker, postnatal form with spontaneous resolution 6 .

Introduction:  Solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the bone is the most common of the four forms of presentation of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, representing between 60% and 80% of cases 7 .

Among benign bone lesions, it is a rare entity, accounting for less than 1% 8 . It preferentially affects children and adolescents with a male predominance 2:1 9 . Around 80% of patients are under 21 years of age and the majority of these are between five and 15 years of age 6,7,9 .

Some patients may begin with an isolated bone lesion and later develop multiple bone lesions. These cases can eventually evolve into systemic forms of the disease. When this occurs, it generally happens within the first six months of diagnosis and practically never after a year of evolution, which is a criterion for good prognosis, when no new lesions appear after this period of clinical follow-up 10 .

Hand-Schuller-Christian Syndrome is   the chronic form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, characterized by systemic involvement with multiple bone lesions, mainly in the skull, exophthalmos and diabetes insipidus, affecting children over 3 years of age 10 .

Letter-Siwe Syndrome affects   children under three years of age, it is the acute or subacute form, also with systemic involvement. It presents with fever, otitis media, recurrent bacterial infections, anemia, hemorrhages, viceromegaly, diffuse and painful adenopathy with skin involvement similar to seborrheic eczema and generalized ostelitic lesions, with frequent progression to death 10 .

Hashimoto-Pritzker Syndrome is   a form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis that affects the skin exclusively. It affects children in the first month of life, manifesting with eczematous eruptions that resolve spontaneously 6 .

Etiology:  Unknown.

Genetics:  No significant reports regarding this.

Definition:  Eosinophilic Granuloma is a pseudotumor lesion, of unknown etiology, characterized by bone rarefaction that can be solitary or multiple. Microscopically, it presents a profile of mononuclear histiocytic cells, presenting antigens of dendritic origin, known as Langerhans cells, amidst the variable quantity of leukocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes and giant cells.

Epidemiology:  Eosinophilic Granuloma mainly affects the axial skeleton, in this order: skull, pelvis, vertebrae, ribs, mandible, clavicle and scapula.

In the appendicular skeleton the femur, proximal region and diaphysis, humerus and tibia 9 . It most often affects the diaphysis or metadiaphyseal region, being rare in the epiphysis 7 .

The spine represents 10% of cases in the pediatric population, the majority in the lumbar region.

In adults, it occurs more frequently in the ribs and less frequently in the spine, respectively 25% and 3% 6 .

Clinical picture:  The most frequent symptom of Eosinophilic Granuloma is localized, throbbing, short-lasting pain, worsening at night associated with local heat and edema. When it affects the skull, this pain can be confused with other causes of headache.

Compromise of vertebral bodies can produce painful scoliosis. Any angular deviations are small, less than 10 0 , as the vertebral flattening is usually uniform and rarely produces neurological symptoms. 

In other forms of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, systemic symptoms may be present such as fever, skin rush and diabetes insipidus. Hepatosplenomegaly can occur in Letter-Siwe syndrome, which is the most severe form of the disease 6

Classification:  Eosinophilic granuloma can   manifest itself in two clinical forms:  Solitary  or  Multiple .

Laboratory tests:  Laboratory changes that can be found are an increase in ESR and CRP, and mild eosinophilia may occasionally occur on the blood count.

Imaging tests:  The radiographic image is of bone rarefaction, rounded or oval, which begins in the medullary bone and progresses with erosion of the cortical bone.

In the initial phase, the edges are irregular and poorly defined.

In the late phase, slight sclerosis may occur around the lesion. In long bones, there is an evident periosteal reaction that appears as multiple thick lamellar layers, which characterizes slow-evolving benign lesions or the reaction of osteomyelitis.

This type of solid periosteal reaction differentiates Eosinophilic Granuloma from Ewing’s Sarcoma, where the periosteal reaction is thin lamellar, due to the rapid evolution of the malignant tumor.

Another radiographic difference between these two lesions is that Ewing’s tumor early presents extra-cortical tumor tissue, with a large volume, which does not occur in Eosinophilic Granuloma.

In flat bones, such as the skull or pelvis, erosion affects both cortices in an irregular and asymmetrical manner, producing the visual impression of a hole within another hole, called a double contour lesion.

In the mandible, destruction of the alveolar bone produces the radiographic impression of floating teeth.

In the spine, the disease affects the vertebral body, with flattening occurring in 15% of cases, producing the so-called flat vertebra of Calvè 6 . The posterior elements and intervertebral discs are preserved, even when the injury occurs in more than one vertebra.

Pathologic anatomy:

Macroscopic appearance:  it has a soft, gelatinous consistency, yellowish in color, necrotic liquefaction is common.

Microscopic appearance:  They appear as clusters of large histiocytic cells, with a slightly basophilic cytoplasm, globose, lobulated or indented nucleoli, in these cases similar to a bean seed, which correspond to Langerhans cells.

These clusters are interspersed with giant cells, lymphocytes, numerous eosinophils and areas of necrosis, simulating an abscess. Electron microscopy shows typical cytoplasmic granules called Birbeck bodies 11,12 .

Immunohistochemistry shows positivity for S-100 protein, vimentin and CD1a 11,13 .


Differential diagnosis:  The main radiological differential diagnoses of Eosinophilic Granuloma are Osteomyelitis and Ewing Tumor.

When the lesion occurs in the skull, it must be differentiated from an epidermoid cyst or metastasis. The main histological differential diagnoses are Osteomyelitis and Lymphoma.


Treatment:  The literature presents reports that expectant treatment or biopsy alone can be indicated as an effective therapeutic strategy for isolated skeletal injuries 7,14 .

Eosionophilic granuloma can resolve spontaneously, especially in children. The capacity for the affected bone to rebuild itself exists, as most patients are affected before skeletal maturity, therefore with great potential for remodeling by the growth physes, which are normally not affected 15,16 .

In our experience, there was resolution in five cases, which regressed only with percutaneous biopsy. The same happens after vertebral collapse in spinal injuries, probably due to the leakage of the contents of the lesion, resembling the drainage of an abscess, with surgical indication in the spine being extremely rare. Cases have been reported where there was complete restitution of the vertebral body height 15 . In our series we had two cases that presented this evolution.

Although there may be spontaneous resolution, the time required is unpredictable, and there may be significant morbidity secondary to intense pain and functional limitation.

Currently, the best therapeutic approach for Eosionophilic Granuloma is to perform a percutaneous biopsy, if possible with immediate diagnosis by frozen section, followed by intralesional corticosteroid infusion (methylpredinisolone – 40mg to 120mg depending on the size of the lesion) 7 . The anatomopathological result must be subsequently confirmed by histology in paraffin blocks.

Eosionophilic Granuloma can take up to three months to regress, and it may be necessary to repeat the infusion 6 . In our experience, we had only one case, of an isolated injury to the humerus, which required complementation of the initial treatment in which we performed oral corticosteroid therapy, prednisolone 5mg/24h, for four months. In polyostotic Eosinophilic Granuloma, systemic corticosteroid therapy is used.

When an incisional biopsy is necessary, corticosteroids can be applied locally after curettage of the lesion, which facilitates the resolution of the process. This curettage must be careful, carried out by opening in the form of a narrow slit, longitudinal to the bone, trying not to add greater local fragility. Eventually, the cavity can be filled with a bone graft, but this is generally unnecessary due to the great potential for regeneration that exists.

Radiofrequency was proposed as a percutaneous treatment for Eosionophilic Granuloma, being applied in a second stage, two to four weeks after the biopsy 17 . The author restricts the technique to small injuries that are at least one centimeter away from the neural or visceral structures, warning of the risk of fractures in the load-bearing limbs. This approach, in addition to increasing costs and causing local morbidity, does not add any advantage to the treatment. The biopsy itself may have been curative, and the infusion of corticosteroids has greater justification, as this is indicated both in isolated cases and in multiple lesions. To date, there are no studies comparing percutaneous techniques with corticosteroid infusion in relation to the use of radiofrequency that justify their use. 

Historically, radiotherapy was used in low and fractionated doses for the treatment of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Currently, the indication of radiotherapy for benign lesions is controversial.

In cases of eosinophilic granuloma with more than one skeletal lesion, without visceral involvement, systemic treatment may be indicated for a period of approximately six weeks with corticosteroid therapy (2 mg/kg) and Vinblastine (6 mg/kg).

Prognosis:  Solitary lesions of eosinophilic granuloma evolve well in 97% of cases, with biopsy alone or in addition to corticosteroid infusion or surgical treatment 6 .


1 SCHAIRER, E. Ueber eine eigenartige Erkrankung des kindlichen Schädels.  Zentralbl Allg Patho Pathol. Anat.,  71:113, 1938.

2 Otani S, Ehrlich JC; Solitary granuloma of bone simulating primary neoplasm. Am J Pathol 16:479–90. 1940

3 Green WT, Faber S; “eosinophilic or solitary granuloma” of bone. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 24:499-526. 1942

4 Jaffe HL, Lichtenstein L; Eosinophilic granuloma of bone. Arch Pathol 37: 99-118. 1944.

5 Lichtenstein L.: Histiocytosis Pathol. 56:84, 1953

6 Schwartz HS.  Orthopedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors 2. American Academy of orthopedic Surgeons, Rosemont, Illinois. Chapter 12 (128-32), 2007

7 Mavrogenis AF, Abati CN, Bosco G, Ruggieri P. Intralesional Methylprednisolone for Painful Solitary Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Appendicular Skeleton in Children. J PediatrOrthop 2012;32:416–422

8 Chadha M, Agarwal A, Agarwal N, et al. Solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the radius. An unusual differential diagnosis. Acta Orthop Belg. 2007; 73:413–417.

9 Campanacci, M. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors; Springer-Verlag Wien New York. Second Edition, (54); 857-75. 1999.

10 SCHAJOWICZ, F. Buenos Aires: Osseous Tumors; Talleres de editorial Médica Panamericana SA (9); 464-80. 1981.                  

11 CHRISTIAN, HA Defects in membranous bones, exosphthalmos and diabetes insipidus: in a usual syndrome of dyspituitarism: a clinical study.  Med.Clin. North. Am.,  3:849, 1920.

12 ARCECI, RJ; BRENNER, M.K.; PRITCHARD, J. Controversies and new approaches to the treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.  Hemtol. Oncol. Clinic. North. Am., 12:339, 1998

13 ALBRIGHT, F.; REIFNSTEIN, EC  The parathyroid glands and metabolic disease.  Baltmore, Williams & Wilkins, 1948.

14 Plasschaert F, Craig C, Bell R, et al. Eosinophilic granuloma. A different behavior in children than in adults. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2002;84:870–872.

15 Greenlee JD, Fenoy AJ, Donovan KA, et al. Eosinophilic granuloma in the pediatric spine. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2007; 43:285–292.

16 Sessa S, Sommelet D, Lascombes P, et al. Treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children. Experience at the Children’s Hospital of Nancy. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1994; 76:1513–1525.

17 Corby RR, Stacy GS, Peabody TD, et al. Radiofrequency ablation of solitary eosinophilic granuloma of bone. Am J Roentgenol.2008;190:1492–1494.

Diagnosis of tumors

2. Parameters:

We must analyze the following aspects of the injury:

1) Identify the compromised bone or bones;

2) Regarding the number of injuries:  

          2.1) Located in a bone: monotopic;

          2.2) A lesion in several bones: monotopic and polyostotic;

          2.3) Multiple lesions in one bone: polytopic and monostotic;

          2.4) Multiple lesions in different bones: polytopic and polyostotic.

3) Regarding location in the bone:

          3.1) Epiphysis, metaphysis or diaphysis;

          3.2) Cortical, spongy, subperiosteal, paraosteal or juxta-cortical region;

          3.3) Central or eccentric.

4) Limits of bone injury:

          4.1) Precise, imprecise, infiltrative or permeative, surrounded or not by reactional sclerosis;

          4.2) It goes beyond the cortex with an extra-osseous lesion;

          4.3) It reaches the soft tissues (yes/no) (displaces/infiltrates);

          4.4) Exceeds the growth line.

5) Regarding other aspects of the injury:

          5.1) Destructive (osteolytic)

          5.2) Condensing or osteogenic

          5.3) Multiloculated, “in soap bubbles”

          5.4) Calcifications: focal, diffuse, striated

6) Type of periosteal reaction:

          6.1) In thin slices – “in onion skins”

          6.2) In thick sheets

          6.3) Spiculates – “in sunbeams” or “in a comb”

          6.4) Periosteal survey interrupted by the tumor – Codman’s Triangle


3. Diagnosis:

 Study methods for pathological anatomical examination:


It is the study of desquamated cells obtained from secretions, excretions or obtained with needles and making “imprints” (printing tissue fragments on slides). It should rarely be used to diagnose bone neoplasia. Its importance lies mainly in the cytohistological correlation.


Collection of material with trephines for inclusion in paraffin and microscopic examination. Although the material obtained by this method is small, when it is collected from a significant area of ​​the neoplasia and by an orthopedist with experience in handling these lesions, it makes a definitive diagnosis possible. The location for obtaining this material must be planned by the surgeon, in order to prevent disruption of the tumor’s balance in neighboring tissues, preventing its spread.

Incisional biopsy:

It is the most used method for diagnosing bone tumors. The biopsy site must be planned, not only in terms of the area that will enable a better histological diagnosis but also to predict future resection of the tumor, which should include the skin of the biopsied region. The biopsy should not be performed in inappropriate locations of the tumor, such as areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, Codman’s triangle or in areas that only present peritumoral reactional bone sclerosis.

Frozen biopsy

It is performed during the surgical procedure. This method is not recommended when there is bone tissue. The possibility of a diagnostic error is high in this situation. Diagnostic errors in numerous bone lesions with multinucleated giant cells, in the various tumors of undifferentiated cells, small cells and round cells, the impossibility of a histological differential diagnosis when there is neoformed bone tissue in the fracture callus, osteosarcoma and myositis ossificans, are some examples that contraindicate the method. Frozen examination may be useful in cases of metastatic lesions and even so, the speed of the method will not alter the operative approach.

Microscopic study:

Fragments obtained by puncture or incisional biopsy must be embedded in paraffin and subsequently stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Special methods such as PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) and silver impregnation to study reticulin are usually used for differential diagnosis, for example, between Ewing Sarcoma, Lymphomas and PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor). PAS, demonstrating glycogen and a scarce amount of reticulin, are common for diagnosing Ewing’s sarcoma. In Lymphomas, reticulin is abundant and PAS is negative. Immunohistochemistry techniques with immunoperoxidase are entering the routine of anatomopathological examinations. They are mainly indicated in the search for the diagnosis of the organ of origin of metastatic neoplasms in the bones. The use of markers that allow identifying the origin of the neoplastic cell is increasingly used in daily practice. Examples are PSA, to identify neoplasia originating from the prostate, CK7 for primitive lung neoplasia, CK20 for primitive digestive tract neoplasia and estrogen and progesterone receptors for breast neoplasia.

Surgical parts:

Routinely a surgical specimen must be examined externally and at the cuts. Externally for analysis of surgical margins in order to verify whether the neoplasm was completely extirpated. In the sections, we verified the involvement of the bone, extension and dimensions of the neoplasm and its main macroscopic characters for adequate microscopic study. (Figure 1) 

When the study of a surgical resection is of a patient undergoing preoperative chemotherapy, particularly in osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma, the study of the specimen must follow a systematized examination, as the purpose is to analyze the response of the neoplasm to therapy. The study stages will be as follows:

A) Slices will be made of the surgical piece along its entire length with a maximum thickness of 0.5 cm,

B) One or more slices must be reproduced on a computer “scanner” or photographed and x-rayed,

C) This reproduction must be gridded from the proximal to the distal end,

D) The fragments from each checkered area must be thoroughly examined under a microscope in order to quantify the necrosis of the neoplasm and the persistence of histologically viable tumor cells,

E) The final report of the study of the entire specimen must be graded according to the response to preoperative chemotherapy according to the Huvos criteria.

Huvos Criteria:

Grade I: Up to 50% tumor necrosis;

Grade II: 50 to 90% tumor necrosis;

Grade III: Above 90% necrosis;

Grade IV: 100% tumor necrosis – Absence of histologically viable neoplastic cells.

With this degree, the oncologist will be able to guide post-operative treatment taking into account the worst statistical prognosis in cases of cranes I and II and better in those of III and IV.

Diagnóstico dos tumores

2. Parâmetros:

Devemos analisar os seguintes aspectos da lesão:

1) Identificar o osso ou ossos comprometidos;

2) Quanto ao número de lesões:  

          2.1) Localizada em um osso: monotópica;

          2.2) Uma lesão em diversos ossos: monotópica e poliostótica;

          2.3) Múltiplas lesões em um osso: politópica e monostótica;

          2.4) Múltiplas lesões em diversos ossos: politópica e poliostótica.

3) Quanto à localização no osso:

          3.1) Epífise, metáfise ou diáfisa;

          3.2) Região cortical, esponjosa, subperiostal, paraosteal ou justa-cortical;

          3.3) Central ou excêntrica.

4) Limites da lesão no osso:

          4.1) Precisos, imprecisos, infiltrativo ou permeativo, circundado ou não por esclerose reacional;

          4.2) Ultrapassa a cortical com lesão extra-óssea;

          4.3) Atinge as partes moles (sim/não) (desloca/infiltra);

          4,4) Ultrapassa a linha de crescimento.

5) Quanto ais aspectos da lesão:

          5.1) Destrutiva (osteolítica)

          5.2) Condensante ou osteogênica

          5.3) Multiloculada, “em bolhas de sabão”

          5.4) Calcificações: focais, difusas, estriadas

6) Tipo de reação periostal:

          6.1) Em lâminas finas – “em casca de cebola”

          6.2) Em lâminas grossas

          6.3) Espiculadas – “em raios de sol” ou “em pente”

          6.4) Levantamento periostal interrompido pelo tumor – Triângulo de Codman


3. Diagnóstico:

 Métodos de estudo para exame anátomo patológico:


É o estudo de células descamadas obtidas em secreções, excreções ou obtidas com agulhas e realizando-se “imprints” (impressão de fragmentos de tecidos em lâminas). Raramente devera ser utilizado para diagnóstico de uma neoplasia óssea. Sua importância reside principalmente, na correlação cito-histológica.


Coleta de material com trefinas para inclusão em parafina e exame microscópico. Embora o material obtido por este método seja pequeno, quando é colhido em área significativa da neoplasia e por ortopedista com experiências no manuseio destas lesões, possibilita o diagnóstico definitivo. O local de obtenção deste material deve ser planejado pelo cirurgião, a fim de impedir ruptura do equilíbrio do tumor nos tecidos vizinhos, evitando sua disseminação.

Biópsia incisional:

É o método mais utilizado para diagnóstico de tumores ósseos. O local da biópsia deve ser planejado, não só quanto à área que possibilitará melhor diagnóstico histológico como para prever a futura ressecção do tumor, na qual deverá ser incluída a pele da região biopsiada. A biópsia não deverá ser realizada em locais inadequados do tumor como áreas de necrose,  hemorragia, no triângulo de Codman ou em áreas que apresentam apenas esclerose óssea reacional peritumoral.

Biópsia de congelação

É realizada durante o ato cirúrgico.  Este método não é indicado quando existir tecido ósseo. A possibilidade de erro diagnóstico é grande, nesta situação. Os erros de diagnóstico nas numerosas lesões ósseas com células gigantes multinucleadas, nos diversos tumores de células indiferenciadas, de células pequenas e redondas, a impossibilidade de diagnóstico diferencial histológico quando há tecido ósseo neoformado no calo de fratura, osteossarcoma e miosite ossificante, são alguns exemplos que contra-indicam o método. O exame em congelação poderá ser útil em casos de lesões metastáticas e mesmo assim, a rapidez do método não alterará a conduta operatória.

Estudo microscópico:

Os fragmentos obtidos por punção ou biópsia incisional devem ser incluídos em parafina e posteriormente faz-se a coloração com hematoxilina-eosina. Métodos especiais como PAS (Acido periódico de Schiff) e impregnação pela prata para estudo da reticulina são usualmente utilizados para diagnóstico diferencial, por exemplo, entre Sarcoma de Ewing, Linfomas e PNET (Tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo). O PAS, demostrando glicogênio e a escassa quantidade de reticulina, são usuais para diagnóstico de  sarcoma de Ewing. Nos Linfomas a reticulina é abundante e o PAS é negativo. Técnicas de imuno-histoquímica com imunoperoxidase estão entrando na rotina dos exames anatomopatológicos. São principalmente indicadas na procura do diagnóstico do órgão de origem de neoplasias metastáticas nos ossos. O uso de marcadores que permitem identificar a origem da célula neoplásica é cada vez mais usado na prática diária. Exemplos são o PSA, para identificar neoplasia originária da próstata, CK7 para neoplasia primitiva do pulmão, CK20 para neoplasia primitiva do tudo digestivo e receptores de estrógeno e progesterona para neoplasia da mama.

Peças cirúrgicas:

Rotineiramente uma peça cirúrgica deve ser examinada externamente e aos cortes. Externamente para análise das margens cirúrgicas com a finalidade de se verificar se a neoplasia foi completamente extirpada. Aos cortes verificamos o comprometimento do osso, extensão e  dimensões da neoplasia e seus caracteres macroscópicos principais para adequado estudo microscópico. (Figura 1) 

Quando o estudo de uma ressecção cirúrgica for de paciente submetido a quimioterapia pré-operatória, particularmente no osteossarcoma e no sarcoma de Ewing,  o estudo da  peça deverá obedecer uma sistematização de exame, pois a finalidade é analisar a resposta da neoplasia à terapêutica. As etapas do estudo serão as seguintes:

A) Serão feitas fatias da peça cirúrgica em toda sua extensão com espessura máxima de 0,5 cm,

B) Uma ou mais fatias deverão ser reproduzidas em “scanner” de computador ou fotografadas e radiografadas,

C) Esta reprodução deverá ser quadriculada da extremidade proximal até a distal,

D) Os fragmentos de cada área quadriculada deverão ser minuciosamente examinados ao microscópico com a finalidade de quantificar a necrose da neoplasia e a persistência de células tumorais histológicamente viáveis,

E) O relatório final do estudo de toda a peça deverá ser graduado quanto à resposta de quimioterapia pré-operatória nos critérios de Huvos.

Critérios de Huvos:

Grau I: Até 50% de necrose tumoral;

Grau II: de 50 a 90/% de necrose tumoral;

Grau III: Acima de 90% de necrose;

Grau IV: 100% de necrose tumoral – Ausência de células neoplásicas histológicamente viáveis.

Com esta graduação o oncologista poderá orientar o tratamento pós-operatório tendo em vista o pior prognóstico estatístico nos casos de gruas I e II e melhor nos de III e IV.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Fraturas em Crianças

Pathological Fractures in Children


Fractures in Children with Preexisting Bone Conditions

When we talk about “pathological fractures in children”, it is essential to clarify that the fracture itself is not pathological, but rather the bone can present a series of changes, such as structural, metabolic, dysplastic or infectious. Therefore, it is more accurate to refer to the bone as pathological, not the fracture itself. Within this context, our focus will be on fractures that occur in children with pre-existing bone conditions.

This chapter aims to address more specifically the fractures that develop in children with such conditions. It is important to highlight that the scope of this topic is vast, which leads us to define the topics to be discussed.

We decided not to include fractures related to infectious processes or metabolic disorders, such as rickets or osteopsatirosis, in this chapter. Instead, our focus will be on stress fractures, considering the differential diagnosis, as well as those arising from pre-existing tumoral or pseudo-tumorous bone lesions.

Stress fractures are particularly relevant due to their nature and challenges associated with diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, fractures resulting from tumor or pseudo-tumor bone lesions require a specialized approach to ensure appropriate management and the best possible prognosis.

Therefore, in outlining this chapter, we seek to provide a comprehensive view of fractures in children with pre-existing bone conditions, highlighting the most relevant aspects for their understanding and clinical management.

  • Benign Bone Tumors:

Among the benign tumor lesions of childhood, which can most frequently cause fractures, we highlight osteoblastoma and chondroblastoma.

Osteoblastoma – 

Osteoblastoma is a locally aggressive bone tumor that in long bones has a metaphyseal location, initially cortical and eccentric. This injury, as it is locally aggressive, with great destruction of the bone framework, causes micro fractures, due to erosion of the bone cortex (figs. 1 and 2). The progressive destruction of the cortex predisposes to complete fracture, when the involvement exceeds fifty percent of the bone circumference. The fracture of this lesion facilitates local dissemination, making oncological treatment difficult, which requires elaborate reconstructions and there is a limitation in functional recovery (Figs. 3 and 4). 

Figura 1 – aspecto clínico de osteoblastoma do primeiro metacarpeano. Fig. 2 – lesão insuflativa, com erosão da cortical e microfraturas.
Figure 1 – clinical appearance of first metacarpal osteoblastoma. Fig. 2 – Insufflation injury, with cortical erosion and microfractures.
Figura 3 – agressividade local com grande destruição da estrutura óssea, sendo necessária a reconstrução com enxerto autólogo do ilíaco, apesar da baixa idade. Fig. 4 – aspecto clínico e funcional, pós-operatório.
Figure 3 – local aggressiveness with great destruction of the bone structure, requiring reconstruction with an autologous iliac graft, despite young age. Fig. 4 – clinical and functional appearance, post-operatively.
Osteoblastoma of the spinal pedicle can cause analgesic scoliosis, due to the pain of the tumor process or the fracture (fig. 5 and 6).
Figura 5 – escoliose antálgica devido à osteoblastoma. Fig. 6 – fratura do pedículo pelo tumor ósseo.
Figure 5 – Antalgic scoliosis due to osteoblastoma. Fig. 6 – fracture of the pedicle caused by the bone tumor.

Chondroblastoma –

Chondroblastoma affects the epiphyseal region of growing long bones (figs. 7 and 8) and, less frequently, the apophyseal portion (figs. 9 and 10).

Figura 1 – condroblastoma epifisário do fêmur.
Figure 1 – Epiphyseal chondroblastoma of the femur.
Figura 2– erosão da cartilagem articular.
Figure 2– erosion of the articular cartilage.
3 – condroblastoma da apófise do grande trocânter. Fig. 4 – aumento significativo da lesão, com fratura arrancamento do grande trocânter.
3 – chondroblastoma of the apophysis of the greater trochanter. Fig. 4 – significant increase in the lesion, with a tearing fracture of the greater trochanter.

This bone tumor causes resorption of the epiphysis (or apophysis), erosion of the bone cortex and joint invasion, leading to arthralgia, which can cause deformity and joint subsidence fracture.

The treatment of both osteoblastoma and chondroblastoma is surgical and must be carried out as soon as possible, as these lesions, despite being histologically benign, quickly progress to destruction of the local bone framework.

The best indication to avoid local recurrence is segmental resection. However, due to the articular location of the chondroblastoma, it is preferable to provide adequate surgical access to each region, as in this example that affects the posteromedial region of the femoral head (fig. 11), to perform careful intra-lesional curettage, followed by local adjuvant , such as phenol, liquid nitrogen or electrothermia (fig. 12), to subsequently fill the cavity with an autologous bone graft, restoring the anatomy of the region (fig. 13) and reestablishing function (figs 14 and 15). 

Figura 7 – via de acesso à região póstero-medial da cabeça femoral.
Figure 7 – access route to the posteromedial region of the femoral head.
Figura 8 – curetagem intralesional, seguida de eletrotermia.
Figure 8 – Intralesional curettage, followed by electrothermia.
Figura 9 – enxerto ósseo autólogo já integrado. Fig. 10 – Função de flexão com carga dos quadris.
Figure 9 – autologous bone graft already integrated. Fig. 10 – Load-bearing flexion function of the hips.
Figura 11 Abdução do quadril, após um ano da cirurgia.
Figure 11 Hip abduction, one year after surgery.
Chondroblastoma, despite being a benign lesion, in addition to local recurrence, can evolve into pulmonary metastases (fig. 16 and 17) which remain histologically benign, making the indication of additional chemotherapy controversial.
Figura 12 – radiografia do tórax, com múltiplos nódulos.
Figure 12 – chest x-ray, with multiple nodules.
Figura 13 – tomografia do tórax, com treze anos de evolução.
Figure 13 – Chest tomography, with thirteen years of evolution.

 In our experience we had two cases of osteoblastoma and one case of chondroblastoma with secondary lung disease. In this case of chondroblastoma, thoracotomy was performed and numerous pulmonary nodules were found, which persist to this day. This patient, at the time of diagnosis of metastases, presented with hypertrophic pulmonary osteopathy. He did not undergo any complementary treatment and is asymptomatic to this day, thirteen years later (fig. 18 and ’19) and fifteen years after surgery (fig. 20 and 21).

Figura 14 – Abdução apos 8 anos. Fig. 15 – Fexão com carga após 13 anos.
Figure 14 – Abduction after 8 years. Fig. 15 – Loaded bending after 13 years.
Figura 16 – Abdução após 15 anos. Fig. 17 Flexão com carga após quinze anos da cirurgia.
Figure 16 – Abduction after 15 years. Fig. 17 Flexion with weight fifteen years after surgery.
  • Malignant Bone Tumors:

The most common malignant bone neoplasms in childhood are osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma, which must be diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, as they cause pain and a palpable tumor and need to be treated early.

Osteosarcoma –

In our country, it is not uncommon for osteosarcoma to present with a fracture at diagnosis (figs. 22 and 23).  

Figura 22 – osteossarcoma da metáfise distal do fêmur. Fig. 23 – fratura e disseminação local ao diagnóstico.
Figure 22 – Osteosarcoma of the distal metaphysis of the femur. Fig. 23 – fracture and local spread at diagnosis.
In these situations, local oncological control may require ablative surgery, with Van-Ness gyroplasty (figs. 24 and 25) being an alternative to be considered.
Figura 24 – incisão rombóide para a cirurgia de Van-Ness.
Figure 24 – rhomboid incision for Van-Ness surgery.
Figura 25 – ressecção ampla, com margem oncológica, preservando-se o feixe vasculo-nervoso.
Figure 25 – wide resection, with oncological margin, preserving the vascular-nervous bundle.
This surgery is an interim amputation that changes the function of the ankle. This undergoes a 180 degree rotation and will act as if it were the knee, with the aim of transforming an amputation at thigh level into a “below the knee” amputation. Functionally, it acts as if it were an amputation of the leg, with the terminal support of the calcaneus and without the need for a mechanical “knee” (figs. 26 and 27). Special orthoses need to be made to fit the patient (fig. 28 and 29). There is a need for social and psychological support for the success of this procedure, which is little accepted and therefore rarely recommended in our country.
Figura 26 – giroplastia de Van-Ness, apoio terminal no calcâneo. Fig. 27 – a contratura dos ísquio tibiais, suturados nos flexores dorsais do tornozelo, realizam a flexão.
Figure 26 – Van-Ness gyroplasty, terminal support on the calcaneus. Fig. 27 – the contracture of the tibial ischium, sutured to the ankle's dorsal flexors, performs flexion.
Figura 28 – a contratura do quadríceps, suturado no tendão calcâneo, realiza a extensão do “neo joelho”. Fig. 29 – órteses especiais para adaptação. Há necessidade de fisioterapia especializada e apoio psicológico e social ao paciente e aos familiares.
Figure 28 – quadriceps contracture, sutured to the Achilles tendon, extends the “neo knee”. Fig. 29 – special orthoses for adaptation. There is a need for specialized physiotherapy and psychological and social support for the patient and family.

Ewing sarcoma – 

Ewing’s Sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor that can be confused with osteomyelitis and can be diagnosed after a fracture (figs 30 to 36).  

Figura 30 – Sarcoma de Ewing após fratura e quimioterapia. Fig. 31 – Ressecção do tumor ósseo e reconstrução biológica com enxerto ósseo autólogo.
Figure 30 – Ewing sarcoma after fracture and chemotherapy. Fig. 31 – Resection of the bone tumor and biological reconstruction with autologous bone graft.
Figura 32 – Reconstrução com fíbula e enxerto autólogo de crista ilíaca.
Figure 32 – Reconstruction with fibula and autologous iliac crest graft.
Figura 33 – Pós operatório de dois meses, em quimioterapia adjuvante. Fig. 34 – Após três anos.
Figure 33 – Two months post-operative, undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. Fig. 34 – After three years.
Figura 35 – Após onze anos da cirurgia. Fig. 36 – Após 22 anos do tratamento.
Figure 35 – Eleven years after surgery. Fig. 36 – After 22 years of treatment.

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In children, cases of malignant neoplasms that lead to fractures are fortunately rare.

Pseudotumorous Bone Lesions:

The bone lesions that most frequently accompany fractures in children are pseudo-tumor lesions, with emphasis on simple bone cysts, aneurysmal bone cysts, fibrous dysplasia and eosinophilic granulomas, in this order of frequency.

Eosinophilic granuloma –

Eosinophilic granuloma presents as a local inflammatory condition and a lesion with bone rarefaction accompanied by a thick lamellar periosteal reaction, which is a radiographic characteristic of benignity. Another aspect of eosinophilic granuloma is that it presents an area of ​​bone rarefaction without corresponding extra-osseous involvement (fig. 37), distinguishing it from Ewing’s sarcoma, which is the tumor that presents the earliest extra-cortical tumor.

Eosinophilic granuloma can present with a clinical picture of fracture when it affects the spinal column where a wedging fracture of the vertebral body occurs, described as Calvé’s vertebra plano (fig. 38). In this situation, this injury may progress to spontaneous healing, and restoration of the vertebra body may even occur.

Other locations where micro-fractures can occur are when they affect the supra-acetabular region (fig. 39), or in load-bearing areas such as the proximal metaphyseal portion of the femur (fig. 40), due to cortical erosion. medial.  

37 – reação periosteal lamelar grossa em granuloma eosinófilo. Não há lesão extra-óssea. Fig. 38 – vértebra plana de Calvé (fratura acunhamento do corpo vertebral em granuloma eosinófilo).
37 – thick lamellar periosteal reaction in eosinophilic granuloma. There is no extra-osseous injury. Fig. 38 – Calvé plano vertebra (wedge fracture of the vertebral body in eosinophilic granuloma).
Figura 39 – granuloma eosinófilo do ilíaco – fratura afundamento do acetábulo. Fig. 40 – Fratura incompleta da cortical medial do fêmur, devido à granuloma eosinófilo.
Figure 39 – eosinophilic granuloma of the iliac – sinking fracture of the acetabulum. Fig. 40 – Incomplete fracture of the medial cortex of the femur, due to eosinophilic granuloma.

This lesion responds well to simple curettage surgical treatment, with the need to add a bone graft being exceptional.

Click here to read more.

Fibrous Dysplasia –

Fibrous dysplasia is a pseudo-tumor lesion that most frequently leads to bone deformity. However, when it affects the femur, it can cause a previous deformity, like a shepherd’s crook, characteristic of this condition, with consequent fracture (fig. 41). The femoral neck region with fibrous dysplasia often develops a fracture, even without previous deformity (fig. 42). 

To correct the defect, it is necessary to curettage the lesion, fill it with autologous bone graft and corrective osteotomies of the deformity (fig. 43). A fracture in this location can be difficult to resolve, due to the difficulty in consolidation due to the dysplastic appearance of the bone (fig. 44), leading to recurrence of the disease and deformity.

Figura 41 – Deformidade em cajado de pastor, seguida de fratura. Fig. 42 – fratura do colo femoral, em displasia fibrosa, sem deformidade prévia.
Figure 41 – Deformity in a shepherd’s crook, followed by fracture. Fig. 42 – fracture of the femoral neck, in fibrous dysplasia, without previous deformity.
Figura 43 – osteotomia corretiva, com enxerto autólogo. Fig. 44 – doença poli cística do colo femoral, por displasia fibrosa.
Figure 43 – corrective osteotomy, with autologous graft. Fig. 44 – polycystic disease of the femoral neck, due to fibrous dysplasia.
Fibrous dysplasia can be polyostotic (fig. 45) and be part of the MacCune-Albhright syndrome, characterized by fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty and skin patches (fig. 46). Fractures can occur even without significant trauma, due to bone fragility (fig. 47).
Figura 45 – lesão no fêmur, por displasia fibrosa.
Figure 45 – injury to the femur, due to fibrous dysplasia.
Figura 46 – Mancha café com leite, em síndrome de MacCune-Albhright.
Figure 46 – Café-au-lait spot, in MacCune-Albhright syndrome.
Figura 47 – Fratura da ulna, devido à displasia fibrosa.
Figure 47 – Fracture of the ulna, due to fibrous dysplasia.
This disease tends to stabilize after puberty (fig. 48 and 49), but sometimes several surgical procedures are necessary during growth (fig. 50 and 51) to avoid compensatory deformities and achieve successful treatment. treatment.
48 – recidiva da deformidade, em síndrome da Albright .
48 – recurrence of the deformity, in Albright syndrome.
Figura 49 – criança em desenvolvimento com recidiva .
Figure 49 – developing child with relapse.
Figura 50 – nova recidiva da deformidade, necessidade de reoperação .
Figure 50 – new recurrence of the deformity, need for reoperation.
Figura 51 – estabilização da doença displásica após a adolescência .
Figure 51 – stabilization of dysplastic disease after adolescence.

Fibrous dysplasia may also be part of congenital pseudoarthrosis, which most frequently affects the distal third of the tibia, but can occur in other locations such as the proximal third of the tibia (figures 52, 53 and 54), with all the difficulties in reaching it. if consolidation.

Figura 52 – Deformidade proximal da tíbia em displasia fibrosa. Fig. 53 – Fratura
Figure 52 – Proximal tibial deformity in fibrous dysplasia. Fig. 53 – Fracture
Figura 54 – Aspecto cirúrgico do foco displásico de pseudo-artrose, em displasia fibrosa.
Figure 54 – Surgical appearance of the dysplastic focus of pseudoarthrosis, in fibrous dysplasia.

Congenital pseudoarthrosis is a condition that deserves to be studied in a separate chapter.

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst –

The aneurysmal bone cyst, also called multilocular hematic cyst, is a lesion of insufflative bone rarefaction filled with serosanguineous fluid, interspersed with spaces varying in size and separated by septa of connective tissue containing trabeculae of bone or osteoid tissue and ostoclastic giant cells ( figs. 55 and 56).

Figura Figura 55 – Cisto ósseo aneurismático da tíbia. As lojas ocorrem em número e tamanho variados, aglomerando-se e provocando erosão do trabeculado ósseo, que se expandem e insuflam a cortical.
Figure Figure 55 – Aneurysmal bone cyst of the tibia. The stores occur in varying numbers and sizes, clumping together and causing erosion of the bone trabeculae, which expand and inflate the cortex.
Figura Figura 56 – A tomografia revela área radiolucente; erosão óssea; afilamento da cortical e insuflação. sem focos de calcificação.
Figure Figure 56 – Tomography reveals a radiolucent area; bone erosion; cortical thinning and inflation. no foci of calcification.

The patient generally presents with mild pain at the site of the injury, when the affected bone is superficial, and inflammatory signs such as increased volume and heat may be observed. Generally, the patient correlates the onset of symptoms with some trauma.  

In evolution there may be a slow, progressive or rapidly expansive increase. It affects any bone, most frequently the lower limbs, tibia (figs. 57 and 58) and femur representing 35% of cases.

Figura Figura 57 – COA metafisário da tíbia com insuflação da cortical, erodindo a placa de crescimento.
Figure 57 – Metaphyseal AOC of the tibia with cortical inflation, eroding the growth plate.
Figura Figura 58 – aspecto homogênio com erosão da cortical
Figure 58 – homogeneous appearance with cortical erosion

The vertebrae are also affected by this injury, including the sacrum. In the pelvis, the iliopubic branch is most frequently affected. They can mimic joint symptoms when they reach the epiphysis. Compromise in the spine can cause compressive neurological symptoms, although in most cases it affects the posterior structures.

         The treatment of choice has been marginal resection or intra-lesional curettage, followed by filling the cavity with an autologous or homologous graft, when necessary. The cavity can also be filled with methylmethacrylate, although our preference is to use an autologous graft when possible, as it is a benign lesion. Some authors associate intralesional adjuvant treatment with the application of phenol, electrothermia or cryotherapy. In classic aneurysmal bone cysts, I do not see the point of this therapy, which, however, should be applied when the surgeon finds a “suspicious” area that was not detected on imaging. If the aforementioned benign tumors are involved, which may be accompanied by areas of aneurysmal bone cyst, local adjuvant therapy will be beneficial.

Some bone segments such as the ends of the fibula, clavicle, rib, distal third of the ulna, proximal radius, etc. can be resected, without the need for reconstruction.

In other situations, we may need segmental reconstructions with free or even vascularized bone grafts or joint reconstructions with prostheses in advanced cases with major joint involvement. In the spine, after resection of the lesion, arthrodesis may be necessary to avoid instability.

Radiotherapy should be avoided due to the risk of malignancy, however it may be indicated for the evolutionary control of lesions in difficult to access locations, such as the cervical spine, for example, or other situations in which surgical re-intervention is not recommended.

Embolization as an isolated therapy is controversial. However, it can be used preoperatively to minimize bleeding during surgery. This practice is most used in cases of difficult access, although its effectiveness is not always achieved. Infiltration with calcitonin has been reported with satisfactory results in isolated cases.

Recurrence may occur, as the phenomenon that caused the cyst is unknown and we cannot guarantee that surgery repaired it. The recurrence rate can reach thirty percent of cases.

Simple Bone Cyst –

A simple bone cyst is a pseudo-tumor lesion that can occur in any part of the skeleton and most frequently presents with fracture (figures 59 to 64).

Figura 59 – fratura metafisária do úmero em C.O.S..
Figure 59 – metaphyseal fracture of the humerus in COS.
Figura 60 – microfratura do rádio em C.O.S..
Figure 60 – microfracture of the radius in COS.
Figura 61 – fratura infracção do acetábulo em C.O.S..
Figure 61 – Infraction fracture of the acetabulum in COS.
Figura 62 – Fratura completa do colo femoral em C.O.S..
Figure 62 – Complete fracture of the femoral neck in COS.
Figura 63 – Fratura do fêmur em C.O.S..
Figure 63 – Femur fracture in COS.
Figura 64 – Fratura da tíbia, após entorse em C.O.S..
Figure 64 – Tibial fracture, after COS sprain.

A simple bone cyst can occasionally be diagnosed due to an increase in volume, but when it presents a painful symptom, it is generally related to micro fractures or often a complete fracture.

            The humerus is the most affected bone. Micro-fractures can eventually provide partial “cure” in some areas of the cyst and with growth the metaphysis moves away from the lesion, which begins to occupy the diaphyseal zone (fig. 65 and 66). This progression to the diaphysis can occur asymptomatically and a new painful clinical manifestation may occur acutely (fig. 67).

Figura 65 – Cisto ósseo metafisário do úmero.
Figure 65 – Metaphyseal bone cyst of the humerus.
Figura 66 – cicatrização da região metafisária, crescimento ósseo e deslocamento diafisário da lesão remanescente.
Figure 66 – healing of the metaphyseal region, bone growth and diaphyseal displacement of the remaining lesion.
Figura 67 – aumento da lesão e fratura.
Figure 67 – increase in injury and fracture.
Bone cysts in older children and distant from the growth plate are considered mature cysts, which can heal with different treatment methods, including after the occurrence of a fracture (fig. 68 to 71).
Figura 68 – COS da fíbula. Fig. 69 – Fratura em COS.
Figure 68 – COS of the fibula. Fig. 69 – Fracture in COS.
Figura 70 crescimento ósseo metafisário e “migração” da lesão em direção à diáfise. Fig. 71 Cicatriz de COS que foi distanciando-se da placa de crescimento que teve cura expontânea.
Figure 70 metaphyseal bone growth and “migration” of the lesion towards the diaphysis. Fig. 71 COS scar that distanced itself from the growth plate that healed spontaneously.

In these situations, the treatment adopted must be appropriate for the bone and the fracture in question, and may be closed or open, with the indication of filling with a bone graft depending only on the specific needs of the fracture, when surgical treatment is indicated. 

In mature bone cysts, the complete fracture causes great decompression of the lesion and consolidation and healing of the lesion can be achieved simultaneously. However, in some cases, there is a need for additional treatment of the cyst, after consolidation of the fracture, when closed treatment is chosen (fig. 72 to 78).

Figura 72 – Fratura diafisária do úmero, em cisto ósseo maduro (cisto distante da placa de crescimento em adolescente). Fig. 73 – Consolidação após imobilização com tipóia.
Figure 72 – Diaphyseal fracture of the humerus, in a mature bone cyst (cyst distant from the growth plate in an adolescent). Fig. 73 – Consolidation after immobilization with a sling.
Figura 74 – Refratura. Fig. 75 – Novo tratamento incruento.
Figure 74 – Refracture. Fig. 75 – New bloodless treatment.
Figura 76 – Consolidação e persistência de áreas císticas.
Figure 76 – Consolidation and persistence of cystic areas.
Figura 77 Calo de fratura e áreas císticas.
Figure 77 Fracture callus and cystic areas.
Figura 78 – Função após múltiplas fraturas.
Figure 78 – Function after multiple fractures.
In our infiltration technique, we usually evaluate the cavity by injecting contrast, aiming to verify whether the cyst is unicameral or whether it has septa forming gaps that would require an individual approach. We began to observe through radioscopy the presence of contrasted vascular flow when contrast was injected into the cyst. We believe that there is an intraosseous pseudo-aneurysm that, when swirling, causes cystic erosion (fig. 79 to 86).
Figura 79 – Diagnóstico do cisto após fratura proximal do fêmur. Fig. 80 – Tratamento incruento, com tração cutânea por seis semanas
Figure 79 – Diagnosis of the cyst after a proximal femur fracture. Fig. 80 – Bloodless treatment, with skin traction for six weeks
Figura 81 – Consolidação da fratura, com cura parcial da lesão cística. Fig. 82 – Tratamento do cisto remanescente com infiltração. Observa-se contraste evidenciando a presença vascular na fisiopatologia desta lesão.
Figure 81 – Consolidation of the fracture, with partial healing of the cystic lesion. Fig. 82 – Treatment of the remaining cyst with infiltration. Contrast is observed, highlighting the vascular presence in the pathophysiology of this lesion.
Figura 83 – Cisto ósseo consolidado, após fratura e tratamento com infiltração. Presença de lesões císticas remanescentes.
Figure 83 – Consolidated bone cyst, after fracture and infiltration treatment. Presence of remaining cystic lesions.
Figura 84 – COS da patela, corte sagital.
Figure 84 – COS of the patella, sagittal section.
Figura 85– cisto unicameral da patela, corte axial.
Figure 85– unicameral cyst of the patella, axial section.
Figura 86 – contraste demonstra a alteração vascular, com verdadeiras fístulas arterio- venosas na fisiopatologia.
Figure 86 – contrast demonstrates the vascular alteration, with true arteriovenous fistulas in the pathophysiology.
Some locations, such as the femoral neck, deserve special attention and should preferably be operated on before a fracture occurs (fig. 87 and 88).
Figura 87 – Cisto ósseo simples no colo femoral, antes da fratura. Fase de tratamento mais simples
Figure 87 – Simple bone cyst in the femoral neck, before fracture. Simplest treatment phase
Figura 88 – Fratura do colo femoral em cisto ósseo
Figure 88 – Fracture of the femoral neck in a bone cyst
Treating this injury after a fracture requires specific and complex planning to be successful (fig. 89 to 94).
Figura 89 – Preparo do orifício da placa angulada.
Figure 89 – Preparation of the angled plate hole.
Figura 90 – Orifício adaptado para permitir orientação do parafuso paralelo à lâmina.
Figure 90 – Hole adapted to allow screw orientation parallel to the blade.
Figura 91 – Preparação do enxerto.
Figure 91 – Graft preparation.
Figura 92 – redução da fratura, posicionamento do enxerto e fixação.
Figure 92 – fracture reduction, graft positioning and fixation.
Figura 93 – pós-op um ano.
Figure 93 – one year post-op.
Figura 94 – rx perfil. Fig. 95 – função após 1 ano.
Figure 94 – profile x-ray. Fig. 95 – function after 1 year.

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Stress Fracture –

 Stress fractures deserve special attention in this article both because they are more frequent than reported in the literature, as many cases go unnoticed, and because of the florid appearance that imaging studies portray, causing difficulty in differential diagnosis.

The child complains of pain, usually after physical exertion, which, as it is mild, ends up resolving spontaneously.

However, an orthopedist may be consulted and, when requesting an x-ray, be surprised by a periosteal reaction in the metaphyseal region in a growing patient.

The concern about the possibility of osteomyelitis, eosinophilic granuloma, osteosarcoma or Ewing’s sarcoma is justified, but it is necessary to be aware of clinical aspects, such as time of evolution, improvement factors, local appearance, so as not to complicate this diagnosis, which is  clinical. radiological  (fig. 96 and 97).

Figura 96 – dor há um mês .
Figure 96 – pain for a month.
Figura 97 – reação periosteal.
Figure 97 – periosteal reaction.
Carrying out other tests such as bone mapping (fig. 98) and computed tomography (fig. 99) confirm the existence of the lesion, but may not be sufficient to clarify the diagnosis.
Figura 98 –hipercaptação.
Figure 98 – hypercapture.
Figura 99 – TC com produção de osso
Figure 99 – CT with bone production

It is necessary to evaluate and ask:  in the time it took to carry out these tests, was there no clinical improvement?

Magnetic resonance imaging is an exam that needs to be interpreted very carefully, as the fracture causes intra- and extra-osseous edema that can scare less experienced people.

We must observe the detail of the two low signal points of the fracture callus in the lateral and medial cortex in figure 100 as well as the low signal point of the bone callus in the posterior cortex in figure 101.

Figura 100 – RM em fratura de stress.
Figure 100 – MRI in stress fracture.
Figura 101 – Baixo sinal do calo ósseo
Figure 101 – Low signal from bone callus

The inflammatory process of the fracture, with marked hemorrhage and edema, is extensive. The histology of the fracture callus may mimic osteosarcoma. There is a known case of amputation due to an erroneous diagnosis of osteosarcoma in a patient with a stress fracture.

            Observation for two to three weeks is essential for an accurate diagnosis and is not considered bad practice, even in neoplasms. The x-ray taken three weeks later showed the stress fracture (fig. 102 and 103) and the clinical picture with improvement in symptoms and reduction in edema reaffirms the diagnosis. The clinic is sovereign.

Figura 102 – Rx após 3 semanas.
Figure 102 – Rx after 3 weeks.
Figura 103 – A linha da fratura é nítida.
Figure 103 – The fracture line is clear.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Fratura em osso patológico

Pathological bone fracture


Pathological bone fracture

Pathological bone fracture. In our experience dedicated to the study and treatment of patients with bone diseases, we have experienced numerous cases of fractures that hid undiagnosed diseases.

Pathological bone fracture. The simplified designation of “pathological fracture” is not appropriate, as every fracture is a pathological process. It is correct to use the term: pathological bone fracture,  which is most often related to neoplasms, whether primitive or metastatic.

The pathological processes that can lead to fractures are classified as bone dysplasias, circulatory disorders, degenerative, inflammatory and infectious or neoplastic changes.

For the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consider the patient’s clinical aspects, fracture mechanisms, imaging, laboratory and anatomopathological aspects.

Bone fractures, which hide undiagnosed pathological processes, can result in inadequate orthopedic management.

We will organize them didactically within the five chapters of General Pathology, namely: dysgenesis or dysplasias, degenerative processes, circulatory disorders, inflammations and neoplastic diseases.


–  dis  (from the Greek = alteration),  plasien  (= form). Any change in bone morphology, whether congenital or hereditary, can cause deformities and/or fractures. Due to the frequency and polymorphism of the anatomical changes they present, we highlight the following:

1 –  Osteopsatirosis or Osteogenesis imperfecta:

In any of its manifestations, in Rubin’s classification, it is a hereditary disease that predominates in the diaphysis of long bones and determines changes in bone morphology due to deficient sub-periosteal bone apposition. Longitudinal bone growth occurs at the level of the epiphyseal line, where cartilage transforms into bone tissue. Transverse growth, however, depends on endosteal resorption and subperiosteal bone apposition. Failure of this modeling mechanism in bones leads to impaired growth in the transverse direction. Due to this pathogenesis, the bones become very thin and fragile, subject to frequent fractures. 

Figura 1 – Radiografias com múltiplas fraturas, calos exuberantes e deformidades, freqüentes nesta doença
Figure 1 – Radiographs showing multiple fractures, exuberant calluses and deformities, common in this disease
Figura 2 – peça anatômica de fêmur de paciente autopsiado, portador desta afecção
Figure 2 – anatomical piece of femur from an autopsied patient, suffering from this condition
Figura 3 – Desmineralização acentuada e deformidade, alargamento do canal medular.
Figure 3 – Marked demineralization and deformity, enlargement of the spinal canal.

2 –  Osteopetrosis or Albers Schomberg Disease:

It is a disease characterized by changes in the epiphyseal line of bones of endochondral origin. The lesions are condensing due to the failure in the activity of osteoclasts which, under normal conditions, act in the physiological resorption of bones. With apposition prevailing over resorption, the bones initially condense in the metaphysis and, progressively, throughout the entire bone, whose consistency becomes stony. In addition to anemia, which results from the reduction and even absence of marrow spaces, the seat of hematopoiesis, denser bones lose their elasticity and can fracture.

3 –  Fibrous dysplasia, mono or polyostotic:

It is a condition in which there is partial replacement of the bone by fibrous proliferation between osteoid beams with little mineralization and has lower radiographic density. With growth and skeletal maturation, progressive ossification generally occurs, which may even resemble normal bone structure. The injured area has a lower density than that of normal bone and, therefore, the main anatomical manifestation is deformity, which sometimes leads to fracture.


For bones to maintain a normal structure, the apposition and reabsorption mechanisms must be in balance. Apposition depends on the activity of osteoblasts that elaborate the 

collagen fibers, protein matrix of bones. Along the collagen fibers there will be deposition of minerals, tricalcium phosphate, in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals. Protein collagen fibers account for 95% of the structure of the bone matrix. The remaining 5% are mucopolysaccharides, hyaluronic and chondroitinsulfuric acid, which predominate in the “cement lines” or “reverse lines”, which delimit the different bands of matrix apposition, maintaining normal bone growth. Simultaneously, bone resorption is carried out by osteoclasts under stimulation of parathyroid hormone. These mechanisms of apposition and reabsorption, which represent the so-called bone remodeling ( turnover ), are intense in the first decade of life, less in the second and progressively less with advancing age, but always present throughout our lives.

Normal bone metabolism, therefore, consists of: a- apposition of the protein matrix whose collagen fibers are produced by osteoblasts, which require muscular activity to fulfill their functions; b- dietary protein intake, vitamins A and C, minerals mainly calcium and phosphorus; c- gonad, thyroid, pituitary and adrenal hormones are also necessary for matrix formation and mineralization. For reabsorption, osteoclasts produce enzymes that enable the dissolution of the matrix and the solubilization of minerals, which act under the stimulus of parathyroid hormone.

Changes in any of the elements that contribute to altering turnover will lead to  metabolic bone disease,  especially the following:

1 –  Osteoporosis:

It is an important and frequent cause of fractures, caused by reduced bone consistency due to the quantitative reduction of the matrix, reducing the mineral deposit bed that leads to greater bone fragility and fractures, especially of the vertebrae and femur. Osteoporosis does not depend on a lack of calcium or phosphates, as it means matrix deficiency, which reduces the area of ​​mineral apposition. The causes arise from less muscular activity in people with a sedentary lifestyle, particularly the elderly or in patients who have been bedridden for a long time, hence the increasing importance of exercise to treat it, in addition to a diet with adequate protein intake. States of protein deficiency due to dietary deficiency or excess elimination are subject to osteoporosis, as occurs in states of malnutrition and diseases with dysproteinemia, such as multiple myeloma and bone carcinomatosis. Osteoporosis also occurs in changes in endocrine glands, such as postmenopausal hypoestrogenism, hyperthyroidism, pituitary adenomas, gigantism and acromegaly, changes in the adrenal cortex, which lead to Cushing’s syndrome, and others.

2 –  Osteomalacia and rickets:

These are diseases resulting from mineral deficiency, that is, they do not depend on changes in the protein matrix. In rickets, mineral deficiency predominates in the epiphyseal lines or growth plates, where the demand is greatest and necessary for the mineralization of the newly formed osteoid beams. Due to the lower resistance of these regions, there will be a “cup-shaped” enlargement in the metaphyses of the long bones and a “rickety rosary” in the ribs. Osteomalacia is also known as “adult rickets”. Although uncommon, it translates into generalized mineral deficiency, as there is no growth plate in the bones. Occurs due to reduced intestinal absorption 

in patients who have undergone major intestinal resections or due to dietary deficiency. Fractures result from greater bone fragility caused by mineral deficiency.

3 –  Hyperparathyroidism:

 An important cause of pathological bone fracture, often the initial sign of this disease, especially in its primary form, the cause of which is the adenoma of one of the parathyroid glands. Parathormone normally acts on osteoclasts, cells that carry out bone reabsorption. It also acts on the kidneys, inhibiting the tubular reabsorption of phosphates and, in this way, exerts control over phosphaturia and, consequently, over phosphaemia. When there is an excess of parathyroid hormone, there will be hyperphosphateria, altering the Ca/P balance which, under normal conditions, maintains a 2:1 ratio, from the blood (9.5 calcium / 4.5 mg phosphorus) to the hydroxyapatite formula. There will, therefore, be hypercalcemia to maintain blood Ca/P balance. Calcium is removed from the bones, which are the largest depository of this mineral in our body, normally retaining around 95% of this mineral. As a consequence of this process, the bones will become more fragile with spontaneous fractures or due to mild trauma. Another important sign of the disease is recurrent calculosis, especially kidney stones. Primary hyperparathyroidism is a long-term chronic disease that, if not treated with extirpation of the parathyroid adenoma, will fatally lead to progressive and generalized demineralization of the bones with multiple fractures and intraosseous cystic formations, due to the intensity of reabsorption by osteoclasts. Furthermore, the presence of so-called “brown tumors”, isolated or multiple, is common, the pathogenesis of which is due to intraosseous hemorrhages with the presence of ferric hemosiderin pigment, in addition to clusters of osteoclasts. All of these bone changes result in demineralization of the beams and partial replacement by fibrosis, progressing to the so-called  generalized fibrocystic osteitis  or Von Recklinghausen’s disease of the bones, which should not be confused with neurofibromatosis, which also bears the name of this author.

Figura 4 Tumor marron do hiperparatireoidismo
Figure 4 Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism
Figura 5 Lesão na falange, fratura e tumor da paratireóide.
Figure 5 Injury to the phalanx, fracture and parathyroid tumor.
Figura 6 Regeneração óssea após osteossíntese e paratireoidectomia.
Figure 6 Bone regeneration after osteosynthesis and parathyroidectomy.

Pathological bone fracture

Within this chapter we can include  Langerhans cell histiocytoses  , called Histiocytoses X, by Lichtenstein, and lipidoses.

1 – Langerhans cell histiocytosis:

-including eosinophilic granuloma and Hand Schiller-Christian disease.

  • Eosinophilic granuloma:

The most frequent form is  Eosinophilic Granuloma  , which is more common in children, is generally monostotic and is characterized by an osteolytic lesion in the cranial vault in the form of a circular “bite-shaped” lesion, in the vertebral body and in the diaphysis of long bones. When located in the vertebra, it compromises the body of this bone, with osteolysis and “collapse”, flattening the vertebral body, which constitutes a fracture with radiographic appearance of the so-called flat vertebra of Calvè. In long bones, it affects the diaphysis and, depending on the size of the lesion, fractures may occur.

Figura 7 lesão osteolítica na calota craniana, freqüente localização e achatamento do corpo vertebral (vértebra plana de Calvé.
Figure 7 Osteolytic lesion in the cranial vault, frequent location and flattening of the vertebral body (Calvé's flat vertebra.
Figura 8 Vértebra plana de Calvè – Lesão no úmero
Figure 8 Flat vertebra of Calvè – Injury to the humerus
  • Hand – Schuller – Christian disease:

In  Hand – Schuller – Christian disease , which may be the evolution of eosinophilic granuloma, the lesions are multiple with severe bone involvement, due to the clusters of macrophages that are frequently xanthomylated, due to the accumulation of cholesterol esters. These accumulations can also compromise the pituitary bed and the retro-ocular region, which can lead to the symptomatic triad, that is, multiple osteolytic lesions, diabetes insipidus and unilateral or bilateral exophthalmos. Long bones are often the site of fractures.

2 –  Gaucher disease:

Among lipidoses, it is the form that most compromises bones. In this entity, histiocytic cells, due to an enzymatic defect, are full of lipids that replace the structure of the bones, especially in the femurs, constituting an important cause of necrosis of the head of this bone, accompanied by deformities, which can lead to fractures.


In bone pathology, the most significant example of intraosseous blood circulation disorder occurs in  Paget’s disease,  also known as  osteitis deformans,  described in 1892(), by Sir Thomas Paget, and until today considered to be of unknown cause.

1 – Paget’s disease:

Paget’s disease occurs in advanced age groups, generally over 50 years of age, mono or polyostotic. In the initial stages of this disease, there is a considerable increase in intraosseous arterial circulation which, as it is active, arterial, there is marked bone reabsorption with radiological and anatomopathological lesions that present characteristics of the so-called “circumscribed osteoporosis”, more frequent in the skull, pelvis, femur and tibia. At this stage, fractures may occur due to the greater fragility of the bones. The most frequent symptoms are pain and discomfort in the affected area. Some authors report cases in which intraosseous circulation is up to 100 times greater than normal, which can progress to heart failure. It is a slowly evolving disease with deformities and, due to the progressive increase in density, the bones assume a stony consistency. The anatomopathological substrate shows disorder in the bone apposition and resorption mechanisms, demonstrated histologically by the numerical increase in the cement lines that demarcate the increasingly greater apposition bands in the compromised bone. These lines become so evident that they assume a “mosaic arrangement”, with a progressive, disordered numerical increase in osteoclasts and osteoblasts on the margins of the bone beams, which become irregular, interspersed with fibrosis in the inter-trabecular spaces. “Chalk fractures” result from greater bone density and less elasticity, which is why they have a straight line, similar to broken chalk.

Figura 9 Fratura em giz ( traço transverso)
Figure 9 Chalk fracture (transverse line)
Figura 10 linhas de cimento formando mosaico
Figure 10 cement lines forming mosaic

2 – Blood Dyscrasias:

In  blood dyscrasias  such as leukemia or hemolytic diseases such as anemia (sickle cell, spherocytic and Cooley). They are rare, but circulatory disorders can occur, with extensive bone infarctions, causes of pathological bone fractures.


Inflammations in general are divided into two large groups:  non-specific , in which the arrangement of the cells does not allow the etiological agent to be identified, and  specific , or granulomatous, in which the cellular arrangement allows the etiology to be identified, as in tuberculosis.

1 – Hematogenous Osteomyelitis:

Hematogenous osteomyelitis stands      out among the nonspecific processes, more common in children and adolescents. These mainly affect long bones, most frequently in the metaphyses of the femur and tibia. The location is due to blood stasis in the epiphyseal lines where demand is intense, making it suitable for the development of bacteria. Due to the intensity of the inflammatory process, although infrequent, fractures may occur.

2 – Tuberculosis:

Tuberculosis    is  specific process, whose osteolytic lesion can lead to fractures. When located in the spine, Pott’s disease, the disease compromises the intervertebral spaces, with secondary osteolysis that can result in fractures with wedging of the vertebrae with subsequent kyphosis.

3 – Deep Mycoses:

Among the deep mycoses,  South American blastomycosis , whose agent is  paracoccidioidis brasiliensis , although uncommon in bone location, is the one that most likely causes fractures.

4 – Parasites:

Echinococus  Granulosus,  among the parasites, is the one that causes most bone fractures  It is a rare disease in our country, known as hydatid cyst. In our experience we had two cases, one of them with a severe osteolytic vertebral lesion and the other, a femoral lesion, which also fractured. Treatment is surgical.


Regardless of whether they are benign or malignant, tumors can cause fractures, depending on the aggressiveness of the bone structure. Bones with greater overload, such as the vertebrae and those of the lower limb, are more prone to fractures than the others. Benign tumors include  osteoblastoma, enchondroma, chondromyxoid fibroma, gigantocellular tumor and hemangioma.

1 – Osteoblastoma:

Osteoblastoma  is a  neoplasm that is more aggressive, which is why it manifests with osteolysis and can be the cause of fractures, most frequently in long bones or the spine.

2 – Enchondroma:

Enchondroma  , which in approximately 50% of cases is present in the phalanges of the hands, although benign and often asymptomatic, can manifest itself as a spontaneous or traumatic fracture. When located in long bones, mainly in the humerus and femur, they can also cause fractures and must be differentiated from bone infarction using imaging methods, sometimes only clarified with a biopsy of the lesion.

3 – Giant Cell Tumor – TGC:

The  gigantocellular tumor is most common in the epiphysis of long bones, mainly distal to the femur and proximal to the tibia and humerus. The possibility of fracture arises from the frequency with which it extends to the metaphysis, sometimes with high local aggressiveness.

4 – Chondromyxoid Fibroma:

Chondromyxoid fibroma ,  most common in the femur and tibia, is slow-growing, eccentric in relation to the bone axis, and can rarely be the cause of fracture.        

5 – Hemangioma:

Hemangioma  , in long bones or the spine, can be asymptomatic and is sometimes diagnosed by chance finding in a radiographic examination carried out for other reasons. Under certain conditions, however, it manifests itself as a fracture and/or “collapse” of the vertebrae body. It can be isolated or multiple, characterizing bone hemangiomatosis.

6 – Osteosarcoma – Chondrosarcoma:

All  primitive malignant bone neoplasms  present the possibility of fracture. The ones that most commonly do this are the osteolytic forms of  osteosarcoma , mainly teleangectatic.

7 – Malignant hemangioendothelioma:

malignant hemangioendothelioma  , due to the  intensity of vascularization and resulting intraosseous hemorrhages.

8 – Plasmacytoma / Multiple myeloma:

Osteolytic lesions of  plasmacytoma/myeloma , caused by intramedullary clusters of atypical plasma cells, are often the first sign of the disease.

9 – Lymphoma:

Other lytic tumors such as   intraosseous lymphomas .

10 – Fibrosarcoma / Malignant Fibrohistiocytoma:

Less common is  fibrosarcoma ,  malignant fibrous histiocytoma.

11 – Liposarcoma:

Liposarcoma  , the most common soft tissue tumor, can also present with a fracture .

  • Bone Metastases – Breast, Prostate, Lung, Kidney and Thyroid Cancer: 

The main manifestation of pathological bone fractures is due to  secondary neoplasms or metastases  (from the Greek: meta=beyond, stasis=stop). The most frequent bone metastases in men originate from the prostate and lungs. In women, they are of breast and pulmonary origin. Those originating from prostate carcinoma are generally osteocondensant, because, due to the slowness with which the cells reach the vertebrae, through the para-vertebral venous plexus of Batson and in the other bones via arterial blood, the bone tissue reacts with neoformation of inter-trabecular beams that reduce the medullary spaces, in order to condense the bone, clearly evident in imaging methods or pathological examination. As in Paget’s disease, the greater density and less elasticity of bones can cause “chalk line fractures”. Lung metastases, in both sexes, are osteolytic with more frequent involvement of the humerus, pelvis and femur. In the spine, the lesion initially affects the pedicles, while in plasmacytoma/myeloma the involvement predominates in the vertebral body. Breast carcinoma metastases are generally osteolytic. Osteolytic fractures have a pathogenesis based on the greater speed with which cells reach the bone, preventing an adequate osteogenic reaction, contrary to what is observed in prostatic carcinoma. Other neoplasms, originating in the kidney (clear cell carcinoma) and thyroid (follicular carcinoma), due to the intense vascularization that is part of these structures, quickly destroy bone tissue resulting in intensely osteolytic bone fractures, sometimes clinically pulsatile.

Figura 11 Destruição óssea pela neoplasia
Figure 11 Bone destruction due to neoplasia
  • Pseudotumor Lesions – Simple Bone Cyst, Aneurysmal Cyst and Non-Ossifying Fibroma:

As for  pseudo-neoplastic lesions , the one that most frequently causes fractures is the  aneurysmal bone cyst . This process, of unknown etiology, which does not have a cystic appearance and much less is vascular in nature, is known as the benign lesion that has the most aggressive behavior, often simulating malignant neoplasms.

Other pseudo-neoplastic lesions that can fracture are the  simple bone cyst  of metaphyseal location, when in a bone with greater load such as the femur and tibia, it is prone to fracture. Non-ossifying fibroma ,  an evolution of the cortical metaphyseal fibrous defect, can also fracture due to its progressive increase in volume, when located in the metaphysis of the femur or tibia.

It is not uncommon for simple or complex bone fractures to hide pathological changes and may result in inadequate orthopedic treatment.

To treat pathological bone fractures, it is necessary to study the entire context that surrounds them. Bone fractures must always be analyzed under multidisciplinary aspects, which take into account the history, age group of the patients, clinical aspects, images, laboratory tests and anatomopathological examination. The joint multidisciplinary study of these data is essential for the diagnosis and management of each case. With the correct diagnosis, the orthopedist will define the treatment. Following what is described in this chapter:

Bone Dysplasias:

1 –  Osteopsatirosis or Osteogenesis imperfecta.

Treatment : Clinical: The use of bisphosphonates is currently used.

                    Orthopedic: intramedullary osteosyntheses to support aligned growth, with telescoped rods, associated or not with osteotomies to correct deformities.

2 –  Osteopetrosis

Treatment : Clinical: Prevention of deformities

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis of fractures

3 –  Fibrous dysplasia, mono or polyostotic,

Treatment : Clinical: The use of bisphosphonates may have an effect.

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis

Metabolic Changes:

1 –  Osteoporosis

Treatment : Clinical: prevention of fractures, avoid caffeine, walking. The use of bisphosphonates may be indicated.

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis of fractures

2 –  Osteomalacia and rickets

Treatment : Clinical: Correction of homeostasis, vitamin D, prevention of deformities.

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis of fractures.

3 –  Hyperparathyroidism

Treatment : Clinical: resection of the parathyroid tumor and compensation of the metabolic condition, taking into account the marked hypocalcemia that occurs after surgery, as the bone tissue begins to quickly compensate for the existing bone demineralization. Protein supply is essential for the creation of the bone matrix.

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis of fractures, which heal quickly, as the bone is starved for calcium.

Degenerative Diseases:

1 – Eosinophilic granuloma

Treatment : Clinical: corticosteroid therapy

                    Orthopedic: curettage of the bone lesion. In Calvé’s flat vertebra, the wedging fracture itself leads to healing of the process. In children and adolescents, the vertebral body spontaneously grows, correcting the deformity.

2 –  Gaucher disease

Treatment : Clinical:


Circulatory disorders:

1 – Paget’s disease

Treatment : Clinical: Bisphosphonates and anti-inflammatories.

                    Orthopedic: osteosynthesis of fractures

2 – In  blood dyscrasias

Treatment : Clinical:



1 –    Hematogenous osteomyelitis

Treatment : Clinical: antibiotic therapy

                    Orthopedic: drainage of abscesses, removal of bone sequestra and stabilization of fractures.

2 –    Tuberculosis

Treatment : Clinical: triple regimen for tuberculosis.

                    Orthopedic: cleaning of caseous abscesses and immobilization, with arthrodesis of the affected joints and osteosynthesis of fractures often being indicated.

3 –  South American Blastomycosis , whose agent is  paracoccidioidis brasiliensis  and

Treatment : Clinical: specific drug treatment for ringworm

                    Orthopedic: surgical cleaning and specific care for each case.

4 –  Echinococcosis,  in the form of a hydatid cyst, must be treated surgically.


1 –  Benign primitives : Orthopedic treatment can include intralesional curettage, local adjuvant, reconstruction with osteosynthesis and autologous graft or methyl methacrylate.

2 –  Malignant Primitives : May require neoplasia-oriented chemotherapy treatment and surgical treatment of resection and reconstruction with endoprostheses or biological reconstruction, if possible, or ablative surgery.

3 –  Secondary to metastases : Restoring function is essential for the patient’s quality of life. The treatment option for these fractures requires some consideration to make the appropriate choice for each patient. Some of them are subjective, as we have to assume the patient’s likely survival time, clinical possibility that they will fully recover their functions, ability to withstand anesthesia, etc.

            We seek to support our decisions on the following parameters:

  1. Is the injury to the upper limb, lower limb, pelvic girdle or spine?
  2. Is the injury single or are there multiple injuries?
  3. Has the fracture already occurred or is there a risk of fracture?
  4. If no fracture occurred, is 1/3 of the bone’s circumference already compromised? Does the injury cover a long area?
  5. Did the patient walk before the fracture, did he have normal motor function?
  6. How long has the patient been treated for the primary disease?
  7. Are you currently receiving chemotherapy treatment?
  8. What is this patient’s temporal prognosis?
  9. What co-morbidities do you have in addition to the neoplasm?
  10. The type of primary neoplasm responds to radiotherapy

The analysis of these issues will allow a therapeutic decision to be made that assists the patient in recovering their motor function, in line with the treatment of their underlying disease.

Patients with myeloma have a high rate of postoperative infections and usually benefit from local radiotherapy, especially in lesions of the thoracic spine or upper limb, in the first years of the disease. After a few years, when the disease becomes refractory to chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation, even surgical options are limited due to the intensity of bone involvement.

This case in figures 8 to 12 exemplifies a patient with multiple myeloma, presenting an extensive lesion in the proximal half of the right humerus. Despite being myeloma, which responds well to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and even in the upper limb, there is an indication for resection of the lesion and reconstruction with a non-conventional endoprosthesis due to the destruction of the anatomy and providing prompt restoration of function.

Figura 12: Destruição completa do 1/3 proximal do úmero. Figura 13: Reconstrução com endoprótese.
Figure 12: Complete destruction of the proximal 1/3 of the humerus. Figure 13: Reconstruction with endoprosthesis.
Figura 14: Aspecto estético. Figura 15: Recuperação funcional no pós operatório imediato. Figura 16: Função com carga.
Figure 14: Aesthetic appearance. Figure 15: Functional recovery in the immediate post-operative period. Figure 16: Loaded function.

Injuries to the lower limb, as it is a load-bearing limb, are best resolved with surgical treatment. The use of palliative radiotherapy, considering a “reserved prognosis”, can cause more suffering when the lesion fractures, as all neoplasms cause the replacement of normal bone tissue by tumor tissue. Therefore, there is bone lysis in all neoplasms, including prostate metastases. It is often mistakenly said that prostate bone metastases are osteoblastic, but what happens pathophysiologically is that in slow-evolving neoplasms there is time for the bone tissue to react to the injury, in an attempt to repair the bone that has been injured, or lysed. if you prefer.

In figures 13 to 19, we illustrate a case of breast cancer metastasis in a patient who had a mastectomy two months ago. We observed numerous lytic lesions in the proximal metaphyseal region of the left femur on December 23, 1987. Local radiotherapy was recommended. The injury did not respond to treatment and in this location, lower limb, in just 40 days the injury progressed and fractured, increasing the patient’s pain and the family’s discomfort. 

The lesion was resected and replaced with an endoprosthesis.

Figura 17: Lesões líticas em novembro de 1987. Figura 18: Destruição e fratura proximal do fêmur.
Figure 17: Lytic lesions in November 1987. Figure 18: Destruction and proximal fracture of the femur.
Figura 19: Reconstrução com endoprótese.
Figure 19: Reconstruction with endoprosthesis.

After one year and six months, a lesion appears in the ilio-pubic branch and in the femoral neck on the right side and we should not wait for it to fracture but rather treat it prophylactically.

Figura 20: Após 18 meses lesão no colo femoral direito.
Figure 20: After 18 months injury to the right femoral neck.
Figura 21: Operada antes de fraturar. Reconstrução bilateral com endoprótese.
Figure 21: Operated before fracturing. Bilateral reconstruction with endoprosthesis.
Figuras 22 e 23: Carga monopodal nos dois membros inferiores. Qualidade de vida para o paciente e cuidadores.
Figures 22 and 23: Single-leg load on the two lower limbs. Quality of life for the patient and caregivers.
Methods for treating fractures offer numerous osteosynthesis options, but in their techniques the tumor lesion is not resected. If the patient’s survival is short, this palliative option can resolve the issue, even with limitations, but if the patient is active, with a short period of neoplastic disease, the local lesion that has not been resected can evolve and cause pain and functional disability for the patient. , which will require re-operation in worse conditions and with greater technical difficulties.
In this last example, a single lesion is observed in the femoral shaft. He was treated with a blocked femoral nail. We observed the progression of the injury each month, complaining of pain and difficulty walking that progressively worsened. Note the local destruction and instability of osteosynthesis, figures 20 to 26.
Figura 24: Cintilografia detectando apenas uma lesão. Figura 25: Pequena lesão diafisária de metástase de câncer renal.
Figure 24: Scintigraphy detecting only one lesion. Figure 25: Small diaphyseal lesion from kidney cancer metastasis.
Figura 26: Osteossíntese, sem ressecção da lesão. Figura 27: Progressão da lesão, dor e incapacidade de caminhar.
Figure 26: Osteosynthesis, without resection of the lesion. Figure 27: Progression of the injury, pain and inability to walk.
iguras 28 e 29: Aumento acentuado do tamanho da lesão, dor e impotência funcional.
Figures 28 and 29: Marked increase in the size of the lesion, pain and functional impotence.
Figura 30: Necessidade de reoperação. Cicatriz da nefrectomia-seta vermelha e cicatriz do bloquei da haste-seta amarela.
Figure 30: Need for reoperation. Nephrectomy scar-red arrow and rod block scar-yellow arrow.

The patient underwent re-operation, with the locking screws and femoral stem removed, the injured segment resected and reconstructed with a diaphyseal prosthesis.

Figura 31: Retirada do parafuso de bloqueio.
Figure 31: Removing the locking screw.
Figura 32: Mensuração do tamanho da endoprótese diafisária.
Figure 32: Measurement of the size of the diaphyseal endoprosthesis.
Figura 33: Cimentação do componente proximal.
Figure 33: Cementation of the proximal component.
Figura 34: Cimentação do componente distal.
Figure 34: Cementation of the distal component.
Figura 35: União e cimentação dos dois componentes.
Figure 35: Union and cementing of the two components.
Figura 36: Radiografia de controle. Figura 37: Função restabelecida. Carga autorizada no pós operatório imediato.
Figure 36: Control x-ray. Figure 37: Function reestablished. Load authorized in the immediate post-operative period.

The patient can walk from the first day after surgery, being able to return to their work activity and complementary treatment of the underlying disease.

These examples illustrate the difficulties in approaching pathological fractures and the need for professionals with experience in treating these injuries.

See fracture of the femoral neck in a child due to a simple bone cyst.

See incomplete fracture of the femoral neck in an adult due to renal metastasis.


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GALASKO, CBS & BENNET, A.: Mechanism of lytic and blastic metastasis diseases of bone. Clin Orthop, 169:20, 1982.

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JAFFE, HL.: Metabolic, in Degenerative, and Inflammatory diseases of bone and joints. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1972, pp. 17l- 180.

LICHTENSTEIN, L. : Histiocytosis Path., 56:84, 1953.

PROSPERO, JD., RIBEIRO BAPTISTA, PP, AMARY, MFA, & CREM DOS SANTOS, P.: Parathyroids: structure, functions and pathology. Acta Orthop. Brasil., 17:2, 2009.

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RUBIN, P: Dynamic classification of bone dysplasias, Year Book Medical publisher Inc. Osteogenesis imperfecta pg.322 -324

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Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

Fibroma Condromixóide: Neoplasia Condromixóide Óssea

Chondromyxoid Fibroma


Chondromyxoid Fibroma: Chondromyxoid Neoplasm of Bone

Chondromyxoid Fibroma: Bone Chondromyxoid Neoplasia is a rare lesion in bone tissue, which manifests itself in the metaphysis of long bones in an eccentric manner. Characterized by a lobulated appearance, it presents an internal halo of bone sclerosis that separates it from the surrounding normal tissue, often accompanied by cortical erosion, denoting a certain local aggressiveness. The presence of calcifications within it is a common feature of all cartilaginous lesions.

From a histological point of view, Chondromyxoid Fibroma exhibits notable cellular pleomorphism, with the presence of areas of chondroid, fibrous tissue and a significant amount of myxoid material, often accompanied by multinucleated giant cells.

This type of injury may also be associated with an aneurysmal bone cyst, being most commonly found in the proximal metaphysis of the tibia, mainly affecting adolescents and young adults.

The standard treatment for Chondromyxoid Fibroma is surgery. Generally, the approach involves partial parietal resection of the lesion, accompanied by local adjuvant measures, such as the use of phenol, electrothermia or liquid nitrogen, in addition to bone grafting when necessary. In more advanced cases, segmental resection may be indicated. Curettage can also be used, especially in joint regions, but it must be carried out carefully to avoid recurrences.

In short, Chondromyxoid Fibroma is an uncommon bone lesion, but it requires an appropriate surgical approach to avoid complications and guarantee a satisfactory recovery for the patient.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

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Diagnosis of Tumors


Diagnosis of Tumors

Parameters to guide the diagnosis of tumors:

1. Introduction:

If neoplasia is suspected, the patient must be initially analyzed with clinical assessment, laboratory tests, imaging methods and anatomopathological examination. This multidisciplinary study is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, which will allow appropriate management in each case.

Data such as sex, age and location, associated with plain radiography, are the initial parameters, which allow the first diagnostic hypotheses. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as scintigraphy, should be performed to assess the location, extent, number of lesions and their relationships with neighboring structures.

Diagnosis of tumors

2. Parameters:

We must analyze the following aspects of the injury:

1) Identify the compromised bone or bones;

2) Regarding the number of injuries:  

          2.1) Located in a bone: monotopic;

          2.2) A lesion in several bones: monotopic and polyostotic;

          2.3) Multiple lesions in one bone: polytopic and monostotic;

          2.4) Multiple lesions in different bones: polytopic and polyostotic.

3) Regarding location in the bone:

          3.1) Epiphysis, metaphysis or diaphysis;

          3.2) Cortical, spongy, subperiosteal, paraosteal or juxta-cortical region;

          3.3) Central or eccentric.

4) Limits of bone injury:

          4.1) Precise, imprecise, infiltrative or permeative, surrounded or not by reactional sclerosis;

          4.2) It goes beyond the cortex with an extra-osseous lesion;

          4.3) It reaches the soft tissues (yes/no) (displaces/infiltrates);

          4.4) Exceeds the growth line.

5) Regarding other aspects of the injury:

          5.1) Destructive (osteolytic)

          5.2) Condensing or osteogenic

          5.3) Multiloculated, “in soap bubbles”

          5.4) Calcifications: focal, diffuse, striated

6) Type of periosteal reaction:

          6.1) In thin slices – “in onion skins”

          6.2) In thick sheets

          6.3) Spiculates – “in sunbeams” or “in a comb”

          6.4) Periosteal survey interrupted by the tumor – Codman’s Triangle


3. Diagnosis:

 Study methods for pathological anatomical examination:


It is the study of desquamated cells obtained from secretions, excretions or obtained with needles and making “imprints” (printing tissue fragments on slides). It should rarely be used to diagnose bone neoplasia. Its importance lies mainly in the cytohistological correlation.


Collection of material with trephines for inclusion in paraffin and microscopic examination. Although the material obtained by this method is small, when it is collected from a significant area of ​​the neoplasia and by an orthopedist with experience in handling these lesions, it makes a definitive diagnosis possible. The location for obtaining this material must be planned by the surgeon, in order to prevent disruption of the tumor’s balance in neighboring tissues, preventing its spread.

Incisional biopsy:

It is the most used method for diagnosing bone tumors. The biopsy site must be planned, not only in terms of the area that will enable a better histological diagnosis but also to predict future resection of the tumor, which should include the skin of the biopsied region. The biopsy should not be performed in inappropriate locations of the tumor, such as areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, Codman’s triangle or in areas that only present peritumoral reactional bone sclerosis.

Frozen biopsy

It is performed during the surgical procedure. This method is not recommended when there is bone tissue. The possibility of a diagnostic error is high in this situation. Diagnostic errors in numerous bone lesions with multinucleated giant cells, in the various tumors of undifferentiated cells, small cells and round cells, the impossibility of a histological differential diagnosis when there is neoformed bone tissue in the fracture callus, osteosarcoma and myositis ossificans, are some examples that contraindicate the method. Frozen examination may be useful in cases of metastatic lesions and even so, the speed of the method will not alter the operative approach.

Microscopic study:

Fragments obtained by puncture or incisional biopsy must be embedded in paraffin and subsequently stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Special methods such as PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) and silver impregnation to study reticulin are usually used for differential diagnosis, for example, between Ewing Sarcoma, Lymphomas and PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor). PAS, demonstrating glycogen and a scarce amount of reticulin, are common for diagnosing Ewing’s sarcoma. In Lymphomas, reticulin is abundant and PAS is negative. Immunohistochemistry techniques with immunoperoxidase are entering the routine of anatomopathological examinations. They are mainly indicated in the search for the diagnosis of the organ of origin of metastatic neoplasms in the bones. The use of markers that allow identifying the origin of the neoplastic cell is increasingly used in daily practice. Examples are PSA, to identify neoplasia originating from the prostate, CK7 for primitive lung neoplasia, CK20 for primitive digestive tract neoplasia and estrogen and progesterone receptors for breast neoplasia.

Surgical parts:

Routinely a surgical specimen must be examined externally and at the cuts. Externally for analysis of surgical margins in order to verify whether the neoplasm was completely extirpated. In the sections, we verified the involvement of the bone, extension and dimensions of the neoplasm and its main macroscopic characters for adequate microscopic study. (Figure 1) 

When the study of a surgical resection is of a patient undergoing preoperative chemotherapy, particularly in osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma, the study of the specimen must follow a systematized examination, as the purpose is to analyze the response of the neoplasm to therapy. The study stages will be as follows:

A) Slices will be made of the surgical piece along its entire length with a maximum thickness of 0.5 cm,

B) One or more slices must be reproduced on a computer “scanner” or photographed and x-rayed,

C) This reproduction must be gridded from the proximal to the distal end,

D) The fragments from each checkered area must be thoroughly examined under a microscope in order to quantify the necrosis of the neoplasm and the persistence of histologically viable tumor cells,

E) The final report of the study of the entire specimen must be graded according to the response to preoperative chemotherapy according to the Huvos criteria.

Huvos Criteria:

Grade I: Up to 50% tumor necrosis;

Grade II: 50 to 90% tumor necrosis;

Grade III: Above 90% necrosis;

Grade IV: 100% tumor necrosis – Absence of histologically viable neoplastic cells.

With this degree, the oncologist will be able to guide post-operative treatment taking into account the worst statistical prognosis in cases of cranes I and II and better in those of III and IV.

Video: Diagnosis of bone injuries

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

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Chondrosarcoma: History, Clinical Aspects. History: In 1920, the Bone Sarcoma Registry Committee of the American College of Surgeons, composed of Ewing, Codman and Bloodgood, published the first systematic classification of bone tumors. This classification encompassed a wide variety of clinicopathological entities that were basically subdivided into:

Chondrosarcoma: History, Clinical Aspects, Classification, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, Complication and Prognosis

– primary tumors of the bones 
– tumors developed in pre-existing bone lesions 
– tumors resulting from ionizing radiation
– tumors that invade the bones, originating from soft tissues
– primary tumors of the joints
– metastatic tumors in the skeleton 23

     In 1925, Keiller and later Phemister, 1930, were the first to separate chondrosarcoma from osteogenic sarcomas, considering the distinction between their morphological and clinical-radiological characteristics, as well as their slower evolution and better prognosis. In 1939 the “Committee of the bone sarcoma registry” included chondrosarcoma as a distinct entity.

   Lichtenstein and Jaffe, in 1943, established a clear distinction between osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is a tumor that produces neoplastic osteoid, while chondrosarcoma occurs from fully developed cartilage, often presenting calcification or ossification, but never producing neoplastic osteoid 2 .

    Definition : Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal nature, producing interstitial substance and cells that take on the appearance of hyaline cartilage, with varying degrees of immaturity and frequent foci of calcification. It is the most common primary malignant lesion of the bone after osteosarcoma 23,24  and Ewing’s tumor (silabus), it can affect any age, with a predominance between 30 and 40 years 7,11,22 , with reports in the literature between three and 73 years 15 .

    Chondrosarcoma occurs in bones of endochondral origin, mainly in the roots of the limbs: shoulder (Figures 1 to 3), pelvis (Figures 4 to 10), ribs and axial skeleton 1 , being rare in bones of membranous origin 11,14,15 ,24.

    In most cases they are painless and do not cause motor deficits. The occurrence of fractures is uncommon 7,10,13,22  and patients seek treatment many years after the appearance of the tumor, as symptoms appear late. Huvos 11  reported a case of rib chondrosarcoma that progressed for fifteen years before the patient sought treatment.

    Figures 1 to 10 illustrate large chondrosarcomas of the shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle, which evolved slowly. 

Figura 2: Extensão do tumor para a região anterior e axilar.
Figure 1: Chondrosarcoma with lesion on the medial border of the scapula. Figure 2: Extension of the tumor to the anterior and axillary region.
Figura 3: No perfil proeminência superior da lesão. Neoplasia de crescimento lento e muitas vezes indolor.
Figure 3: In profile, superior prominence of the lesion. Slow-growing and often painless neoplasm.
Figura 4: Grande condrossarcoma implantado no ramo íliopúbico
Figure 4: Large chondrosarcoma implanted in the iliopubic branch
Figura 5: Corte da peça ressecada, evidenciando as margens e o tecido neoplásico irregular, de aspecto cartilaginoso, com áreas de calcificação e necrose tumoral. Figura 6: Radiografia após ressecção, com função normal do quadril.
Figure 5: Section of the resected piece, showing the margins and irregular neoplastic tissue, with a cartilaginous appearance, with areas of calcification and tumor necrosis. Figure 6: Radiograph after resection, with normal hip function.
8: Tomografia com focos de calcificação.
Figure 7: Another example in the iliac - x-ray with injury in the left pelvis. Figure 8: Tomography with calcification foci.
Figura 10: Captação de contraste pela lesão.
Figure 9: T1 MRI showing a large intra-pelvic tumor volume. Figure 10: Contrast uptake by the lesion.

    Classification:  They can be classified according to  location, histology and origin.

    As for location, they can be:

A- central  (Figures 11 to 15);
B- juxtacortical, paraosteal, or periosteal 2,6,23,24  (Figures 16 and 17);
C- peripheral or exophytic , which occurs on an osteochondroma  28  (Figures 18 and 19) and
D- soft tissue 13  (Figures 20 to 31).

Figura 11: Tumor central, com focos de calcificação, erosão da cortical e alargamento do canal medular.
Figure 11: Central tumor, with foci of calcification, cortical erosion and enlargement of the medullary canal.
Figura 13: Forte captação de contraste no local da lesão.
Figure 12: Magnetic resonance imaging with foci of calcification. Figure 13: Strong contrast uptake at the lesion site.
Figura 14: Corte da peça cirúrgica evidenciando tumor que infiltrou os tecidos moles, pelo trajeto da agulha de biópsia.
Figure 14: Section of the surgical specimen showing tumor that infiltrated the soft tissues, along the path of the biopsy needle.
Figura 15: As células cartilaginosas nutrem-se por embebição, implantando-se com facilidade. Em detalhe a disseminação iatrogênica do tumor.
Figure 15: Cartilaginous cells are nourished by imbibition, implanting themselves easily. In detail the iatrogenic dissemination of the tumor.
Figura 16: Radiografia de condrossarcoma justacortical, com grande tumor provocando impressão na cortical lateral do úmero.
Figure 16: Radiograph of juxtacortical chondrosarcoma, with a large tumor causing an impression on the lateral cortex of the humerus.
Figura 17: Corte da peça evidenciando lesão cartilaginosa com erosão da cortical. O periósteo contorna externamente o tumor.
Figure 17: Section of the piece showing cartilaginous injury with cortical erosion. The periosteum externally surrounds the tumor.
Figura 18: Condrossarcoma periférico do fêmur esquerdo, secundário à malignização de osteocondromatose. Observe os osteocondromas na região metafisáriado fêmur direito (um pediculado na face lateral e outro séssil medialmente).
Figure 18: Peripheral chondrosarcoma of the left femur, secondary to malignant osteochondromatosis. Note the osteochondromas in the metaphyseal region of the right femur (one pedicled on the lateral side and the other sessile medially).
Figura 19: Na ressonância magnética o condrossarcoma periférico secundário à osteocondromatose do fêmur esquerdo apresenta heterogeinicidade e intensa captação de contraste tanto na periferia como no interior da lesão.
Figure 19: On magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral chondrosarcoma secondary to osteochondromatosis of the left femur shows heterogeneity and intense contrast uptake both at the periphery and inside the lesion.
Figura 21: Apresentando baixo sinal em T1.
Figure 20: Soft tissue chondrosarcoma of the hand. Figure 21: Showing low signal on T1.
Figura 23: Com supressão de gordura e contraste (gadolíneo).
Figure 22: High signal on PD and heterogeneous image with intense contrast enhancement on T1. Figure 23: With fat suppression and contrast (gadoline).
Figura 25: O paciente realizou biópsia em outro Hospital, por incisão horizontal, inadequada.
Figure 24: Soft tissue chondrosarcoma on the lateral aspect of the left thigh, close to the patella (lateral bulging). Figure 25: The patient underwent a biopsy in another hospital, using an inadequate horizontal incision.
Figura 27: Rm mostra a cortical do fêmur preservada.
Figure 26: Scintigraphy with high uptake in soft tissues. Figure 27: MRI shows the preserved femoral cortex.
Figura 29: Em T2 apresenta alto sinal, heterogênio, com evidente infiltração e destruição da fascia.
Figure 28: MRI of extraosseous chondrosarcoma. Axial sections, with a lesion showing low signal on T1, affecting the fascia lata. Figure 29: On T2, it shows high signal, heterogeneity, with evident infiltration and destruction of the fascia.
Figura 31: Captação intensa de contraste.
Figure 30: In T1 with suppression we see high signal. Figure 31: Intense contrast capture.

  Regarding  HISTOLOGY  , they present different aspects, which can be separated into:
A) Degree of Anaplasia : they are classified into  grades I ,
II  and  III , depending on cellularity and atypical mitoses11,24, being:
-Chondrosarcoma grade I , well differentiated, similar structure to hyaline cartilage but with increased cellularity, irregular distribution of gaps and a varied number of cells per gap, sometimes binucleate, hyperstained and polymorphic (Figure 10.32);
-Grade II chondrosarcoma , moderately differentiated, greater number of cells due to gaps with great polymorphism and cellular disarray (Figure 10.33);

– Grade III chondrosarcoma , undifferentiated, marked anaplasia, myxoid areas, undifferentiated cells and scarce hyaline matrix (Figure 34).

B) Dedifferentiated : clear areas of mature cartilage and other areas with immaturity, showing high cellularity and atypical mitoses 8  (Figure 35);

C) Mesenchymal : rare, presenting fields of hyaline cartilage interspersed with undifferentiated neoplasia of small, round cells 8  (Figure 36), and

D) Clear Cells : rare, presents round cells with clear or vacuolated cytoplasm and little cellular atypia 2   Figure 37).

Figura 32: Condrossarcoma grau I, que pode apresentar dificuldade no diagnóstico diferencial histológico com o condroma.
Figure 32: Grade I chondrosarcoma, which may present difficulty in the histological differential diagnosis with chondroma.
Figura 34: Condrossarcoma grau III, maior celularidade e atipia.
Figure 33: Grade II chondrosarcoma, greater number of mitoses and disorder. Figure 34: Grade III chondrosarcoma, greater cellularity and atypia.
Figura 36: Condrossarcoma mesenquimal.
Figure 35: Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. Figure 36: Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.
Figura 37: Condrossarcoma de células claras.
Figure 37: Clear cell chondrosarcoma.

As for  ORIGIN,  they can be:

1-  Primary , when it occurs in tissue that had no previous injury (Figures 38 and 39).

2-  Secondary , which originates over a pre-existing benign cartilaginous lesion 2,3,6,8,13,14,23,24  (Figures 40 to 44).

Figura 38: Radiografia de condrossarcoma primário no anel obturador da pelve direita.
Figure 38: Radiograph of primary chondrosarcoma in the obturator ring of the right pelvis.
Figura 39: Tomografia da lesão.
Figure 39: Tomography of the lesion.
Figura 40: Observe o aspecto do quadril esquerdo deste paciente, portador de Ollier, aos três anos de idade.
Figure 40: Observe the appearance of the left hip of this patient, with Ollier, at three years of age.
Figura 42: Após seis anos a lesão cartilaginosa da região trocanteriana apresentou degeneração sarcomatosa, condrossarcoma secundário.
Figure 41: 14-year-old patient. Figure 42: After six years, the cartilaginous lesion in the trochanteric region showed sarcomatous degeneration, secondary chondrosarcoma.
Figura 43: Aos vinte anos, paciente com encondromatose múltipla, unilateral (doença de Ollier). A lesão do quadril degenerou-se para condrossarcoma.
Figure 43: At twenty years old, patient with multiple, unilateral enchondromatosis (Ollier's disease). The hip lesion degenerated into chondrosarcoma.
Figura 44: Ressecado o 1/3 proximal do fêmur com a musculatura glútea (com margem). Reconstruido com prótese total do quadril constrita.
Figure 44: The proximal 1/3 of the femur with the gluteal muscles was resected (with margin). Reconstructed with constricted total hip prosthesis.

Secondary chondrosarcoma occurs in Ollier’s disease or Maffucci Syndrome in 20 to 30% of cases 2,29 , and can also occur as a result of a single enchondroma, although it is rare in this situation.

   It can also develop from the cartilaginous layer of a solitary osteochondroma, less than 1%, or multiple osteochondromatosis, around 10%  and more rarely secondary to Paget’s disease.

   In osteochondroma, when an increase in the lesion is observed after skeletal maturity, the possibility of malignancy must be considered.

   This malignancy is characterized by an increase in the thickness of the cartilaginous layer greater than 2 cm29, irregular calcifications, the appearance of pain and a heterogeneous appearance of the lesion2,6 .

   Due to the different morphological characteristics and clinical behavior of the chondrosarcoma subtypes, we consider it educational to discuss individually the incidence, clinical, radiographic and anatomopathological aspects of each subtype:

1. Central or Conventional Chondrosarcoma

   It is the most frequent of chondrosarcomas, accounting for 90%8. It represents between 10.0 and 14.5% of all primary malignant bone tumors 2,23 .

   According to Dahlin and Jaffe, it affects men and women equally, while for other authors there is a male prevalence that varies from 10% 6,9,14,29  to around 70%, according to Schajowicz 2 .

   It occurs more frequently in adults between 30 and 60 years old 2,14,24,29.

   Its location is most frequent in the proximal segment of the femur, humerus and tibia; being rare in short bones 2,23 .

   Pain can be an insidious symptom for several years, evolving with slow growth, increased volume, restricted mobility, with the skin sometimes becoming red and hot 23 . As it is oligosymptomatic, pathological bone fractures are often the first manifestation of the disease 2,24.

   The radiograph shows a radio-transparent metaphyseal lesion, replacing the bone marrow. The tumor grows towards the epiphysis or diaphysis and erodes the inner cortex, causing punch-hole lesions. Expansion of the medullary portion of the bone may occur, with cortical inflation (Figures 45 and 46).

Figura 45: Lesão radiotransparente, erosão da cortical interna, insuflação e expansão da porção medular do osso com espessamento da cortical medial.
Figure 45: Radiolucent lesion, erosion of the inner cortex, inflation and expansion of the medullary portion of the bone with thickening of the medial cortex.
Figura 46: coloração branco-azulada, focos de calcificação e lóbulos. Neste caso houve erosão da cortical e extravazamento do tumor.
Figure 46: bluish-white color, calcification foci and lobes. In this case, there was erosion of the cortex and extravasation of the tumor.

   The x-ray shows frequent calcifications (Figure 47). This results from the neoangiogenesis of cartilaginous tissue, which degenerates. This process is accelerated in chondrosarcomas and slowed in benign and low-grade cartilaginous lesions. Calcifications can be speckled, cotton flaked or ring-shaped 23,2,24,13,6,29,5 .

   Bone mapping helps in tumor staging (Figure 48). Magnetic resonance imaging and tomography are important for evaluating the intramedullary extension and extraosseous involvement of the lesion 2 .

   Macroscopy shows a bluish-white color with foci of yellowish calcification, forming lobes separated by connective tissue septa and areas of necrosis 2,24,6,14  (Figures 49 and 50).

Figura 47: Lesão radiotransparente, com erosão da cortical interna em saca bocado, insuflação, expansão da porção medular do osso e focos de calcificação salpicados.
Figure 47: Radiolucent lesion, with erosion of the inner cortex in a piece-like manner, insufflation, expansion of the medullary portion of the bone and speckled foci of calcification.
Figura 48: Lesão única, hipercaptante no fêmur direito.
Figure 48: Single, hypercapsulating lesion on the right femur.
Figura 49: foto de segmento da diáfise femoral. A cirurgia com ressecção oncológica é o procedimento mais importante para a cura deste tumor.
Figure 49: photo of a segment of the femoral shaft. Surgery with oncological resection is the most important procedure for curing this tumor.
Figura 50: aspecto macroscópico do corte da peça. Verificamos focos de calcificação, espessamento e erosão em saca bocado da cortical interna.
Figure 50: Macroscopic appearance of the part cut. We verified foci of calcification, thickening and erosion in a small portion of the inner cortex.

   Microscopically, central chondrosarcoma presents hypercellularity, bulky nuclei, sometimes binucleate, polymorphism, atypia, myxoid intercellular matrix, invasion and destruction of adjacent bone trabeculae. This histology may also present a low or high degree of dedifferentiation.

   Low-grade lesions can be confused with benign cartilaginous tumors, as the histological difference between these tumors is subtle. A low-grade lesion is considered when there is moderate cellularity, atypia, polymorphism and binucleate forms 12  (Figure 51).

   At high levels, there is hypercellularity, atypia and marked polymorphism, with several mitotic figures in the myxoid intercellular matrix 14,12 .

Figura 51: Histologia do caso anterior com grau moderado de atipia celular. Condrossarcoma grau I / II.
Figure 51: Histology of the previous case with a moderate degree of cellular atypia. Grade I/II chondrosarcoma.

 2. Juxtacortical (or surface) chondrosarcoma
   Also called parosteal or periosteal, these tumors develop on the surface of the bone.
   They are rare, representing 20% ​​of chondrosarcomas, in general, they are low grade and occur in young adults 23 . They affect the metadiaphyseal region of long bones, with preference in the posterior and distal region of the femur, anterior and proximal tibia and proximal humerus 14 .

   The lesion involves the cortex, with poorly defined margins and grows more quickly than conventional chondrosarcoma. They have a hard consistency, are generally painless and without signs of inflammation on the underlying skin 23  (Figures 52 to 60).

   In the highly malignant variable, there is cortical erosion and the presence of a palpable, soft and painful tumor 2 .

Figura 52: Radiografia da coxa direita, com lesão justacortical na face medial da diáfise femoral.
Figure 52: Radiograph of the right thigh, with juxtacortical lesion on the medial surface of the femoral shaft.
Figura 53: Tomografia mostrando lesão justacortical, sem comprometimento do canal medular.
Figure 53: Tomography showing juxtacortical lesion, without involvement of the spinal canal.
Figura 54: Tomografia com densidade para tecidos moles, evidenciando calcificações na musculatura da coxa e tumor heterogênio.
Figure 54: Soft tissue density tomography, showing calcifications in the thigh muscles and a heterogeneous tumor.
Figura 55: Tomografia com densidade para osso, com tumor extracortical envolvendo a superfície do fêmur, na face lateral, anterior e medial.
Figure 55: Density tomography for bone, with extracortical tumor involving the surface of the femur, on the lateral, anterior and medial aspects.
Figura 56: Corte da peça cirúrgica com o condrossarcoma justacortical, apenas na superfície do osso. Observe que a medular óssea e a cortical interna apresentam aspecto normal.
Figure 56: Section of the surgical specimen with juxtacortical chondrosarcoma, only on the surface of the bone. Note that the bone marrow and inner cortex appear normal.
Figura 58: RM em T1 verificamos o comprometimento anterior, lateral e posterior extracortical
Figure 57: Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma of the distal end of the femur. Figure 58: MRI in T1 we verified the anterior, lateral and posterior extracortical involvement
Figura 60: RM com forte captação de contraste.
Figure 59: section of the piece showing involvement of the bone surface, without invasion of the medullary bone. Figure 60: MRI with strong contrast uptake.

  Radiographically, a transparent bone rarefaction lesion may occur, with foci of calcification between the eroded bone cortex and the elevated periosteum.

Macroscopically, at diagnosis, it is a lesion larger than five centimeters, lobulated and adhered to the surface of the bone.

Microscopy is similar to conventional chondrosarcoma. Tumor nodules may invade peripheral soft tissues.

3.  Peripheral  or  exophytic chondrosarcoma  It differs from the juxtacortical type, as it arises from a pre-existing osteochondroma. Malignancy of an osteochondroma should be considered when the lesion grows after skeletal maturity, without previous trauma or repetitive friction.

   Radiographically, they present large-volume tumors, with radiopaque areas on the periphery, with a globose or ovoid appearance, smooth or multilobulated surface, calcified in the central portion, strongly implanted in the host bone, appearing to be a vegetative tumor, which is not always confirmed, as it has limits well-defined external elements 23 .

   They grow more slowly than the central type and are often large at diagnosis 12,14.
   This type of chondrosarcoma can only be cured with adequate resection. A parietal resection of the bone portion where the osteochondroma is located must be performed 29,12 , avoiding blunt dissection of the surface of the lesion.

   In sarcomatous degeneration, there is an increase in the thickness of the cartilage layer, with irregular calcifications and pain where previously it was painless 2,4 .
   They are most common in the ilium and scapula, followed by the proximal region of the femur, distal femur, proximal humerus and proximal tibia 3,12,23,29.
   Figures 61 to 103 illustrate examples of peripheral chondrosarcoma, secondary to osteochondroma, with different aspects, in the main frequency locations.

Figura 61: Condrossarcoma secundário à osteocondroma. Na TC observamos o aspecto característico da exostose (cortical do osso continuando-se com a cortical da lesão e a medular do osso com a medular da lesão).
Figure 61: Chondrosarcoma secondary to osteochondroma. On CT we observed the characteristic appearance of exostosis (cortical of the bone continuing with the cortical of the lesion and the medullary of the bone with the medullary of the lesion).
Figura 62: Na cintilografia a captação mostra atividade da lesão, após a maturidade esquelética.
Figure 62: On scintigraphy, the capture shows activity of the lesion, after skeletal maturity.
Figura 63: Queixa de dor e aumento da lesão na radiografia.
Figure 63: Complaint of pain and enlargement of the lesion on the x-ray.
Figura 65: A biópsia nem sempre é positiva e deve-se operar com margem oncológica, pois há áreas de osteocondroma e áreas de condrossarcoma.
Figure 64: The T1 MRI is heterogeneous and there is great contrast uptake. Figure 65: The biopsy is not always positive and it must be operated with an oncological margin, as there are areas of osteochondroma and areas of chondrosarcoma
Figura 66: Na osteocondromatose a incidência de degeneração é dez vezes maior e é mais frequênte quando a lesão é na raíz do membro. O mapeamento mostra captação do lado esquerdo, no ilíaco e na perna.
Figure 66: In osteochondromatosis the incidence of degeneration is ten times greater and is more frequent when the injury is at the root of the limb. The mapping shows uptake on the left side, in the iliac bone and in the leg.
Figura 68: A radiografia exibe a lesão da osteocondromatose na perna.
Figure 67: In the left hemipelvis, it is chondrosarcoma. Figure 68: The x-ray shows the osteochondromatosis lesion on the leg.
Figura 70: Na RM em T1 vemos áreas de baixo sinal e áreas de sinal intermediário.
Figure 69: CT highlights the aggressiveness of the left iliac injury. Figure 70: On T1 MRI we see areas of low signal and areas of intermediate signal.
Figura 72: T1 com supressão revela que a lesão é heterogenea.
Figure 71: In T2 without suppression we see areas of high signal and intermediate signal. Figure 72: T1 with suppression reveals that the lesion is heterogeneous.
Figura 74: Em FFE destaca-se alguns focos de calcificação.
Figure 73: On T1, with suppression and contrast, we verified uptake in a solid tumor. Figure 74: In FFE some foci of calcification stand out.
Figura 76: A arteriografia revela hipervascularização.
Figure 75: Hyperuptake on bone scintigraphy, suggesting increased metabolic activity. Figure 76: Arteriography reveals hypervascularization.
Figura 78: Radiografia do pós operatório imediato.
Figure 77: Surgical aspect of the tumor, which must be resected with an oncological margin. Figure 78: Radiograph of the immediate post-operative period.
Figura 80: Comparando com o corte anatômico verificamos a correspondência das calcificações e da grande capa de cartilagem.
Figure 79: X-ray of the piece Figure 80: Comparing with the anatomical section, we check the correspondence of the calcifications and the large cartilage layer.
Figura 81: Osteocondromatose em paciente adulto, com aumento de volume da coxa esquerda. Discreto aumento da temperatura local e dor.
Figure 81: Osteochondromatosis in an adult patient, with increased volume of the left thigh. Mild increase in local temperature and pain.
Figura 82: Radiografia do fêmur esquerdo com volumoso osteocondroma séssil, com a superfície externa borrada, sem contornos nítidos.
Figure 82: Radiograph of the left femur with a large sessile osteochondroma, with the external surface blurred, without clear contours.
Figura 84: TC com janela para tecidos moles.
Figure 83: CT with bone window. Figure 84: CT with soft tissue window.
Figura 86: Calcificação, heterogenicidade e intensa captação na periferia e no interior da lesão.
Figure 85: Tumor on the medial face, areas of low signal. Figure 86: Calcification, heterogenicity and intense uptake in the periphery and interior of the lesion.
Figura 87: Lesão na região metadiafisária proximal da tíbia, condensante, com bordas irregulares e focos de calcificação com aspecto algodonoso.
Figure 87: Lesion in the proximal metadiaphyseal region of the tibia, condensing, with irregular edges and foci of calcification with a cotton-wool appearance.
Figura 88: Radiografia mostrando continuidade da lesão com o osso e deformidade da cortical posterior, sugerindo degeneração de osteocondroma.
Figure 88: Radiograph showing continuity of the lesion with the bone and deformity of the posterior cortex, suggesting osteochondroma degeneration.
Figura 90: Tomografia caracterizando o osteocondroma pré-existente e a lesão irregular da degeneração sarcomatosa.
Figure 89: Clinical appearance. Figure 90: Tomography characterizing the pre-existing osteochondroma and the irregular lesion of sarcomatous degeneration.
Figura 92: RM em T2 com aspecto heterogênio e alto sinal.
Figure 91: T1 MRI with areas of low signal and intermediate signal. Figure 92: T2 MRI with heterogeneous appearance and high signal.
Figura 93: T1 com supressão e contraste caracterizando a agressividade da lesão. Áreas de baixo sinal com focos de calcificação, outras de sinal intermediário e alto sinal. Forte captação de contraste, principalmente na periferia do tumor. Isto é caracteristico neste tipo de condrossarcoma por aumento da capa cartilaginosa.
Figure 93: T1 with suppression and contrast characterizing the aggressiveness of the lesion. Areas of low signal with foci of calcification, others of intermediate signal and high signal. Strong contrast uptake, especially at the periphery of the tumor. This is characteristic of this type of chondrosarcoma due to an increase in the cartilaginous layer.
Figura 94: RM coronal T1 mostrando lesão heterogênea, exofítica, com bordas irregulares. A biópsia pode mostrar apenas áreas de osteocondroma.
Figure 94: Coronal T1 MRI showing a heterogeneous, exophytic lesion with irregular edges. The biopsy may only show areas of osteochondroma.
Figura 96: Deve-se ressecar o tumor com margem, principalmente na superfície.
Figure 95: In these cases we should always treat it as chondrosarcoma and resect the tumor with a margin. Figure 96: The tumor must be resected with a margin, especially on the surface.
Figura 97: A exposição deve ser ampla, sem abrir a fina camada de tecido frouxo que recobre a lesão, procurando-se evitar a recidiva local. A degeneração sarcomatosa é mais frequênte na superfície da lesão.
Figure 97: Exposure must be broad, without opening the thin layer of loose tissue that covers the lesion, trying to avoid local recurrence. Sarcomatous degeneration is most common on the surface of the lesion.
Figura 98: Aspecto após a ressecção parietal do tumor, removendo uma faixa de tecido ósseo sadio na profundidade da lesão. Observe o aspecto macroscópico normal do leito cirúrgico.
Figure 98: Appearance after parietal resection of the tumor, removing a strip of healthy bone tissue in the depth of the lesion. Observe the normal macroscopic appearance of the surgical bed.
Figura 100: Radiografia da peça cirúrgica realçando a heterogeneidade da lesão.
Figure 99: Piece dried in block. Figure 100: Radiograph of the surgical specimen highlighting the heterogeneity of the lesion.
Figura 101: Radiografia pós operatória em perfil, com bom aspecto, sem sinais de recorrência.
Figure 101: Post-operative radiograph in profile, with good appearance, without signs of recurrence.
Figura 102: Radiografia mostrando cicatrização do leito ósseo cruento, que se encontra em remodelação.
Figure 102: Radiograph showing healing of the raw bone bed, which is undergoing remodeling.
Figura 103: Paciente curado do condrossarcoma periférico, exofítico, que cresceu sobre um osteocondroma. Função normal do membro operado.
Figure 103: Patient cured of peripheral, exophytic chondrosarcoma, which grew over an osteochondroma. Normal function of the operated limb.

 The histological diagnosis of well-differentiated chondrosarcoma is challenging.

   The same histological appearance of irregularity in the arrangement and number of cells within the chondroid matrix, with nuclear changes of hyperchromasia, discrete polymorphism and some atypical mitoses, can represent different entities: chondrosarcoma, when located in the roots of limbs, and chondroma when found in the hands and feet.
   Under microscopy, the description of chondromas of the hands and feet is similar to that of central chondrosarcoma 23 .
   Data on clinical history, location and imaging aspects must be valued to conclude the diagnosis and define appropriate management 12,14,23.

4. Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma

   Initially described by Lichtenstein and Bernstein in 1959 16 , it is extremely rare 24 . The largest case series, thirty cases, was published by Salvador 18 .

   It is characterized by areas of differentiated cartilage, interspersed with mesenchymal tissue with round or fusiform cells, highly vascularized with a hemangiopericytic pattern 2  (Figure 104).

   It presents a slight predominance in females, occurs between the second and third decades of life 2,6,14 , and frequently appears in the lower extremities, jaws, mandible and ribs. Pain and increased volume are the main clinical symptoms 2.

   It may resemble conventional chondrosarcoma.
   Radiographically, it has an aggressive appearance 29  with involvement of soft tissues and frequent pulmonary metastases 12.

   It presents a high degree of malignancy, with small round or fusiform blue cells surrounding cartilage islands, with a well-differentiated benign appearance, a pattern similar to hemangiopericytoma 24,29 .

   The cells resemble undifferentiated chondroblasts 6 .

   Macroscopically, they present areas of grayish-white or yellowish color, with a soft consistency, alternating with hardened areas, with a cartilaginous appearance and foci of calcification.

Figura 104: Histologia de condrossarcoma mesenquimal. Áreas de cartilagem diferenciada, entremeada por células redondas e fusiformes, com vasos de padrão hemangioperiocítico, encontrado no tecido mesenquimatoso.
Figure 104: Histology of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Areas of differentiated cartilage, interspersed with round and fusiform cells, with vessels with a hemangioperiocytic pattern, found in the mesenchymal tissue.

5. Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma

   Rare neoplasm, located in the epiphyses of long bones and composed of round cells with abundant, clear cytoplasm and numerous giant cells 2,24 ,  29  (Figure 105).

   It essentially affects adults and involves the proximal femur, humerus and tibia 2,29 .

   On radiography, it appears as a well-defined epiphyseal lesion, similar to a giant cellular tumor (GCT) 2  or chondroblastoma, interpreted by some authors as the malignant evolution of this neoplasm 4 .

   Diagnostic doubts regarding chondroma may occur, and radiographic aggressiveness must always be considered to define appropriate management.

Figura 105: Histologia de condrossarcoma de células claras. Células redondas, com citoplasma claro e células gigantes.
Figure 105: Histology of clear cell chondrosarcoma. Round cells, with clear cytoplasm and giant cells.

6. Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma

   It is a highly anaplastic sarcoma together with a low-grade malignant chondrosarcoma, presenting an abrupt transition between the two 29  (Figure 106).

   It may have the appearance of malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma 2,29 .

   It affects the pelvis and long bones, particularly the femur and humerus. It occurs in patients over twenty years of age and has a peak incidence between 40 and 50 years of age, with no predilection between men and women.

   On radiography, the lesions are similar to common chondrosarcoma, but the presence of a larger area of ​​cortical lysis suggests an aggressive lesion 29 .

Figura 106: Histologia de condrossarcoma desdiferenciado. Áreas nítidas de cartilagem madura, com áreas de imaturidade, caracterizada por celularidade alta e mitoses atípicas.
Figure 106: Histology of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. Clear areas of mature cartilage, with areas of immaturity, characterized by high cellularity and atypical mitoses.

Differential diagnosis:

   It presents a differential diagnosis with myositis ossificans, chondromyxoid fibroma, GCT, non-Hodgkin lymphoma 6,23,29  and aneurysmal bone cyst, due to its multiloculated nature. Histologically, the juxtacortical subtype resembles chondroma, osteochondroma, chondroblastoma and surface osteosarcoma 16 .

   Clear cell chondrosarcoma has malignant chondrocytes with clear cytoplasm, osteoclast-like giant cells, and intralesional reactive bone formation causing confusion with osteosarcoma.

   Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is formed by islands of well-differentiated hyaline cartilage surrounded by sheets of small, round cells, reminiscent of hemangiopericytoma and Ewing’s sarcoma  14.

   Central chondroma of long bones, chondrosarcoma and bone infarction are often difficult to differentiate, requiring clinical and radiographic monitoring to assess whether or not the lesion has progressed, before defining the course of action. Biopsy
is often not definitive for diagnosis 12,23,29.


   The treatment of chondrosarcoma is surgical 25 , and a wide resection must be chosen, including the biopsy path 13,21.

    Radiotherapy is ineffective 6  in controlling this neoplasm. For high-grade lesions, it is possible to discuss the indication of chemotherapy using the protocol for large cell sarcomas, based on anthracyclines 9999.  For mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, which presents a predominance of small and undifferentiated cells, chemotherapy, when indicated, falls under the protocol of treatment of Ewing Tumor. 888

   In both cases, the response to chemotherapy is usually poor 6 . The treatment of this neoplasm must be individualized for each clinical subtype:

– Central chondrosarcoma  has high cure rates with appropriate surgery, therefore its treatment with intralesional curettage cannot be underestimated, even followed by complementary adjuvant methods, whether with phenol, liquid nitrogen, electrothermia or CO 2  laser 21.

   Therefore, in cases of diagnostic doubt between chondroma and grade I chondrosarcoma, it is preferable to observe the evolution of this lesion, as it is known that the biopsy will not be conclusive, as the histological differential diagnosis between chondroma and grade I chondrosarcoma is difficult.

   In some cases, these lesions can be treated with conservative surgery without performing a prior biopsy 21 .

   When imaging tests: radiography, tomography and magnetic resonance, show a central lesion, without erosion of the internal cortex, with a casual and painless finding, it should be reevaluated initially within three months, if unchanged, repeated within six months and If the lesion remains unchanged, annual reassessments are scheduled.

   If, at any time, there is a change in the clinical picture or imaging, it should be treated as central chondrosarcoma, carrying out wide resection of the lesion and reconstruction with non-conventional endoprosthesis, osteosynthesis with autologous or homologous graft or ablative surgery as necessary. of each case.

   In the experience of these authors, it is unnecessary to operate on a painless chondroma when it is found casually, without radiographic aggressive characteristics. Performing an intralesional curettage, with local adjuvant and graft or cement, will not eliminate the need for careful observation. If the anatomopathological examination of the entire curettage reveals that it was chondrosarcoma, it will be much worse to re-operate on this region that has already been surgically manipulated.

   There are several cases of “chondroma” in which the histology of intralesional curettage corroborated the biopsy appearance of “chondroma” and however had an unfavorable outcome. When monitoring these patients, imaging tests revealed that there was a “new” lesion at the site and that it was now chondrosarcoma.

   In these curettages, local and distant dissemination and even dedifferentiation of the chondrosarcoma may occur, significantly worsening the prognosis.

–  Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma, treatment is essentially surgical, with partial parietal resection EXAMPLE  possible   when possible, an effective procedure with lower morbidity compared to segmental resection.

– Peripheral chondrosarcoma , secondary to osteochondroma, care must be taken especially with the surface of the lesion, which presents anaplasia.

   The surrounding soft tissue perimysium should be removed as an oncological margin to prevent local recurrence.

   It is important to highlight that when there is growth of a bony exostosis after skeletal maturity, heterogeneous calcification, thick cartilaginous cap, unrelated to friction or trauma, it is probably a chondrosarcoma.

   In this situation, a negative biopsy sample does not exclude the possibility of malignancy in the remainder of the lesion, and resection surgery with an oncological margin must be performed, paying special attention to the surface of the lesion.

– Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma , in addition to the need for local control with extensive surgery, may eventually be indicated for additional chemotherapy treatment 9999 .

– Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma , such as Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma, local control must be carried out with extensive surgery and chemotherapy with cisplatin and doxorubicin 9999.

Intralesional curettage of chondrosarcoma can lead to local recurrence of the disease and more aggressive histological dedifferentiation.

   In cases of dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas, hematogenous metastases to the lungs are frequent, which may present lymphatic dissemination and local recurrence 29 . Many chondrosarcomas tend to spread locally 14 , reaching enormous sizes and becoming inoperable, causing death due to compression or complications from this local spread.

   Local recurrence increases the incidence of lung metastases 21.


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999. J Clin Oncol 30:abstract 100:23,2012(maluf)
888. Buzaide, AC; Maluf, FC; Rocha Lima, CM
Brazilian Clinical Oncology Manual. Dendrix Edition and Design ltda. São Paulo (XI) Adult Bone Sarcomas, 560-79. 2013

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

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Chondroblastoma is a benign cartilage-forming neoplasm corresponding to approximately 1.8% of bone tumors.


Condroblastoma da cabeça femoral – Lesão intra-articular – Pós operatório de 1 ano – Pós operatório de 8 anos
Chondroblastoma of the femoral head – Intra-articular lesion – 1 year after surgery – 8 years after surgery
Metástases Pulmonares assintomáticas.
Asymptomatic lung metastases.

Codman, in 1931, described it as a different form of manifestation of the “calcified giant cell tumor” of the proximal humerus. It was later found to be a tumor other than the gigantocellular tumor (GCT).

It preferentially affects the epiphysis of long bones, as a bone rarefaction lesion, with foci of calcification, in male patients, in the first and second decade of life, therefore with the growth plate open. Therefore, it affects the epiphyseal region of growing long bones (figs. 1 and 2) and, less frequently, the apophyseal portion (figs. 3 and 4).

Figura 1 condroblastoma epifisário do fêmur.
Figure 1 Epiphyseal chondroblastoma of the femur.
Figura 2 erosão da cartilagem articular.
Figure 2 erosion of articular cartilage.
Figura 3 condroblastoma da apófise do grande trocânter. Figura 4 – aumento significativo da lesão, com fratura arrancamento do grande trocânter.
Figure 3 Chondroblastoma of the apophysis of the greater trochanter. Figure 4 – significant increase in the injury, with tearing fracture of the greater trochanter.

This injury, as it occurs intra-articularly, can present a clinical picture similar to arthritis, when it causes reabsorption of the epiphysis (or apophysis), erosion of the cortical bone and joint invasion, leading to arthralgia, which can cause deformity and fracture and joint subsidence. It can, therefore, present local aggressiveness such as cortical erosion, growth plate erosion and joint invasion.

When there is radiographic manifestation of local aggressiveness, it is generally associated with areas of aneurysmal bone cyst. It presents differential diagnosis with simple bone cyst, aneurysmal, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, arthritis, chondroma, giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma), early osteoid osteoma, pseudo-tumorous lesions, among others.

The treatment of chondroblastoma is surgical and must be carried out as soon as possible, as these lesions, despite being histologically benign, quickly progress to destruction of the local bone framework. It consists of intralesional curettage followed by local adjuvant (phenol, electrothermia, liquid nitrogen, etc.) and placement of a bone graft or cement (polymethylmethacrylate). 

In very advanced lesions, segmental resection followed by placement of a prosthesis or arthrodesis may be necessary. The best indication to avoid local recurrence is segmental resection.

However, due to the articular location of the chondroblastoma, it is preferable to provide adequate surgical access to each region, as in this example, which affects the posteromedial region of the femoral head (fig. 5 and 6).

Fig. 5- Condroblastoma da região medial da cabeça femoral direita.
Fig. 5- Chondroblastoma of the medial region of the right femoral head.
Fig. 6 – Lesão lítica posterior e medial na cabeça femoral direita.
Fig. 6 – Posterior and medial lytic lesion on the right femoral head.
We perform careful intra-lesional curettage, followed by local adjuvant, such as phenol, liquid nitrogen or electrothermia (figs. 7 and 8), to subsequently fill the cavity with autologous bone graft, restoring the anatomy of the region (fig. 9) and reestablishing the function (figs 10 and 11).
Fig. 7 – via de acesso à região póstero-medial da cabeça femoral.
Fig. 7 – access route to the posteromedial region of the femoral head.
Fig. 8 – curetagem intralesional, seguida de eletrotermia.
Fig. 8 – Intralesional curettage, followed by electrothermia.
Fig. 9 – enxerto ósseo autólogo já integrado. Fig. 10 – Função de flexão com carga dos quadris.
Fig. 9 – autologous bone graft already integrated. Fig. 10 – Load-bearing flexion function of the hips.
Fig. 11 Abdução do quadril, após um ano da cirurgia.
Fig. 11 Hip abduction, one year after surgery.
Chondroblastoma, despite being a benign lesion, in addition to local recurrence, can evolve into pulmonary metastases (figs. 12 and 13) which remain histologically benign, with the indication of additional chemotherapy being controversial, leaving only the excision of the metastases as treatment. as they do not respond to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Fig. 12 – radiografia do tórax, com múltiplos nódulos.
Fig. 12 – chest x-ray, with multiple nodules.
Fig. 13 – tomografia do tórax, com treze anos de evolução.
Fig. 13 – CT scan of the chest, with thirteen years of evolution.
In our experience we had two cases of osteoblastoma and one case of chondroblastoma with secondary lung disease. In this case of chondroblastoma, thoracotomy was performed and numerous pulmonary nodules were found, which persist to this day. This patient, at the time of diagnosis of metastases, presented with hypertrophic pulmonary osteopathy. He did not undergo any additional treatment and is asymptomatic to this day, thirteen years later (figs. 14 and ’15) and fifteen years after surgery (figs. 16 and 17).
Fig. 14 – Abdução apos 8 anos. Fig. 15 – Fexão com carga após 13 anos.
Fig. 14 – Abduction after 8 years. Fig. 15 – Loaded bending after 13 years.
Fig. 16 – Abdução após 15 anos. Fig. 17 Flexão com carga após quinze anos da cirurgia.
Fig. 16 – Abduction after 15 years. Fig. 17 Flexion with weight fifteen years after surgery.

Currently, the patient is well and asymptomatic, 24 years after surgery for the femoral injury and 22 years after the removal of some of the metastatic nodules.

The prognosis can be guarded for both local recurrence and orthopedic complications such as joint degeneration and growth deficit.

See the article published in 1995.

Author: Prof. Dr. Pedro Péricles Ribeiro Baptista

 Orthopedic Oncosurgery at the Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute

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